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Mind Body Spirit Connection and Miraculous Healing

"The universe is an infinite and intertwined tapestry of phenomena, yet most of us experience only a few spare threads.
Look more closely at the warp, and weave of creation and you may discover an astonishing wealth of meaning." - Alan Watts

"The difference between a flower and a weed is a judgment."
Barry Neil Kaufman

Contact Shirley for Assistance

Life After Life - Anita Moorjani's Near Death Experience Clears in 4 Days her Grade 4B Lymphoma Cancer!

Anita was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2002, and doctors told her family she was just hours away from death. It was at this point that she "crossed over" and then returned again into this world with a clearer understanding of her life and purpose on earth. This understanding subsequently led to a total recovery of her health.

Her fascinating and moving near-death experience in early 2006 has tremendously changed her perspective on life. Her work is now ingrained with the depths and insights she gained while in the other realm. She works on the premise that our inner world (consciousness) is our primary reality, and if our internal state is healthy and strong, then our external world will align itself and fall into place as a result.

She is the embodiment of the truth that we all have the inner power and wisdom to overcome even life's most adverse situations, as she is the living proof of this possibility.

The Power Of Consciousness

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit and a leading voice in new biology. A cell biologist by training, he taught at the University of Wisconsin's School of Medicine, and later performed pioneering studies at Stanford University. Author of The Biology of Belief, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences. Steve Bhaerman is an author, humorist, and political and cultural commentator, who's been writing and performing enlightening comedy as Swami Beyondananda for over 20 years. A pioneer in alternative education and holistic publications, Steve is active in trans-partisan politics and the practical application of Spontaneous Evolution.

There is a Reason for Everything!

This story happened in the days of LaoTzu in China...

There was an old man in a village, very poor, but even kings were jealous of him because he had a beautiful white horse. Kings offered fabulous prices for the horse, but the man would say, "This horse is not a horse to me, he is a person. And how can you sell a person, a friend?" The man was poor but he never sold the horse.

One morning, he found that the horse was not in the stable. The whole village gathered and they said, "You foolish old man! We knew that someday the horse would be stolen. It would have been better to sell it. What a misfortune."

Laotzu's Tao The old man said, "Don't go so far as to say that. Simply say that the horse is not in the stable. This is the fact; everything else is a judgment. Whether it is a misfortune or a blessing I don't know, because this is just a fragment. Who knows what is going to follow it?"

People laughed at the old man. They had always known he was a little crazy. But after fifteen days, suddenly one night the horse returned. He had not been stolen, he had escaped into the wild. And not only that, he brought a dozen wild horses with him.

Again the people gathered and they said, "Old man, you were right. This was not a misfortune, it has indeed proved to be a blessing." The old man said, "Again you are going too far. Just say that the horse is back. Who knows whether it is a blessing or a curse? It is only a fragment. You read a single word in a sentence- how can you judge the whole book?". This time the people could not say much, but inside they knew that he was wrong. Twelve beautiful horses had come.

Gift of intuitive intelligence The old man had a son who started to train the wild horses. Just a week later he fell from a horse and his legs were broken. The people gathered again, and again they judged. They said, "Again you proved right! It was a misfortune. Your only son has lost the use of his legs, and in your old age he was your only support. Now you are poorer than ever."

The old man said. "You are obsessed with judgment. Don't go that far. Say only that my son has broken his legs. Nobody knows whether this is a misfortune or a blessing. Life comes in fragments and more is never given to you.

It happened that after a few weeks the country went to war, and all the young men of the town were forcibly taken for the military. Only the old man's son was left, because he was crippled. The whole town was crying and weeping, because it was a losing fight and they knew that most of the young men would never come back.

They came to the old man and said, "You were right, old man- this has proved a blessing. Maybe your son is crippled, but he is still with you. Our sons are gone forever.

The old man said again, " You go on and on judging. Nobody knows! Only say this: that your sons have been drafted and my son has not been drafted. But only God, the total, knows whether it is a blessing or not."

Lao Tsu taught that all straining, all striving are not only vain but counterproductive. One should endeavor to do nothing (wu-wei). But what does this mean? It means not to literally do nothing, but to discern and follow the natural forces -- to follow and shape the flow of events and not to pit oneself against the natural order of things. First and foremost to be spontaneous in ones actions. In this sense the Taoist doctrine of wu-wei can be understood as a way of mastering circumstances by understanding their nature or principal, and then shaping ones actions in accordance with these. This Home base business opportunityunderstanding has also infused the approach to movement as it is developed in Tai Chi Chuan.

Selections are from the Tao Ching, (The Book of Changes)

  • Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
  • Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
  • Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
  • Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
  • Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny
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A Message by George Carlin:

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.

Change your thoughts and change the world We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...

Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there.

Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

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Create Your Own Dream List

Let your mind float freely. Imagine that you have no limitations. Imagine that you have all the time, money, all the resources, intelligence, all the education, all the experience and all the contacts in the world. Imagine that you could do, be or have anything in your life.

Write down everything you would want in your life if you had no limitations whatsoever on your potential, as if you have had no fear of failure at all.

It is helpful to imagine that whatever you write down you are guaranteed to receive. Be sure to decide what you want before you limit yourself in advance by thinking of all the reasons why it is not possible. Put the word possible aside for now and just allow yourself to dream.

You might also imagine that you had just been given a check for $10 million (tax-free). How would you change your life? What would you buy?

It might help if you also consider the following two questions:

What makes you unhappy? “In what situations in my life, and with whom, am I not perfectly happy?” Force yourself to think about every part of your day, from morning to night, and write down every element that makes you unhappy or dissatisfied in any way. Remember, proper diagnosis is half the cure. Identifying the unsatisfactory situations is the first step to resolving them.

What makes you happy? In looking over your life, where and when have you been the happiest? Where were you, and what were you doing?

Goal Guidelines

Here is a checklist to ensure you're using a successful framework to set your 100 goals:

  • Your most important goals must be yours. Not your spouse's. Not your child's. Not your employer's. Yours. When you let other people determine your definition of success, you’re sabotaging your own future.
  • Your goals must mean something to you. Your reasons for charting a new course of action give you the drive and energy to get up every morning.
  • Your goals must be specific and measurable. Vague generalizations and wishy-washy statements aren't good enough. Be very specific! The more details and precise adjectives and timing you insert the more likely it will occur. Please be sure to use as many features as possible.
  • Write down your goals in positive terms. Avoid saying I will not be. Your subconscious is very specific and it filters out the negative and will attract like a powerful magnet all the negative things you write down.
  • Your goals must be present tense. Avoid saying I will have. Write down your goals as if you had your dream today and right now. This will help keep time from sabotaging your achievements.
  • Your goals must be flexible. A flexible plan keeps you from feeling suffocated and allows you to take advantage of genuine opportunities that walk in your future door.
  • Your goals must be challenging and exciting. Force yourself to jump out of your comfort zone to acquire that much-needed energy and edge.
  • Your goals must be in alignment with your values. Pay attention to your intuition and your gut feelings. God gave you these feelings for a reason, please be sure to honor them. When you set a goal that contradicts your values, something inside will twinge.
  • Your goals must be well balanced. Make sure you include areas that allow time to relax, have fun and enjoy.
  • Your goals must be realistic. Be expansive, but don't be ridiculous. If you're four feet tall, you'll probably never play in the NBA.
  • Your goals must include contribution. Unfortunately, many people get so wrapped up in pursuing their goals that they don't have time in their lives to give something back to society. Build this into your goals program.

The Great Secret of the Universe

It has been passed throughout the ages, traveling through centuries... to reach you. This is The Secret to everything - the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth: everything you have ever wanted. In this astonishing program are ALL the resources you will ever need to understand and live The Secret. For the first time in history, the world's leading scientists, authors, and philosophers will reveal The Secret that utterly transformed the lives of every person who ever knew it... Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Einstein. Now YOU will know The Secret. And it can change your life forever. Never before has the Law of Attraction been explained so thoroughly, concisely, and beautifully as in "The Secret." The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like; your thoughts and feelings attract corresponding experiences. Sounds simple but the implications are beyond imagination.

Making Your Dreams a Reality
Dr. Mercola

There is no such thing as unrealistic goals, only unrealistic time frames. Some experts believe fully that 80 percent of all problems in personal and business life come from a lack of clarity with regard to our objectives and goals. The word "goals" can be intimidating--it can feel so overbearing that it keeps people from beginning the process. This is why it is helpful to pretend you are a kid again when you are thinking about your goals. What kid do you know who doesn’t have a million things he or she wants to do? Many people will tell you to write down your goals but not have 100 as your target number of goals--however you can't have too many goals. Here's why: Goals have different gestation periods. Some are accomplished quickly, some take many years. When we reach a goal, it loses power and importance for us. We need plenty more to keep our conscious and subconscious mind at work! The rule of the universe is abundance. Since you can have almost everything you really want, why settle for less? Do your goals have to be accomplished tomorrow? Next week? This year? Of course not! Your goals can be added to, subtracted from and achieved as you move through life.

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Miracle of the Concious Mind, and Body Connection

Evy McDonald, R.N

In September of 1980 I was a successful health professional. I had a Master's degree in Nursing and Hospital Administration plus 13 years of professional experience. My positions ranged from Director of Education at one of the first three hospices in the U.S. to collegiate level nursing instructor to Director of Intensive and Coronary Care units.

Also in September 1980 I was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and given less than one year to live.

Today, seven years later, I am not only alive but as healthy as I've ever been in my entire life. Since I am one of the first people to have reversed this normally fatal disease, I have felt called to become a student of my own process of healing, seeking to understand and articulate the factors that reversed this death sentence. Neither the "mainstream medicine" rationale (it was a misdiagnosis) nor the "holistic" approach (it was prayer, visualization, diet, vitamins, etc.) come close to explaining what happened. I have brought both my scientific and spiritual training to bear on this apparent enigma of my healing process and have discovered in modern physics a framework for understanding the "miracle" of the mind/body/spirit connection.

Disease, no matter how devastating it may seem, need not be viewed as negative. I chose to use the experience of my disease to expand my horizons, to alter the unhealthy patterns in my life and to learn to live fully in each moment. After months of solitary introspection, a dramatic change emerged in my process of thinking, feeling and interacting with the world. I have been able to articulate these changes as seven key patterns or principles. These were:

1. I went from get to give - demanding from life to giving to life. From feeling that life owed me something to giving my all to life. From trying to get honors, recognition, success, power, achievements to giving my time, talents, enthusiasm to others and the world. At first, I had no idea how one served selflessly. Then I remembered a quote: "You can accomplish anything if you are willing to take credit for nothing." From my wheelchair I started giving to those around me - with no expectation of either reward or return, without trying to "take credit." Each evening I would look back on the day and give myself a report card. Had I been loving? Had I been of service to anyone? Really? Did I have expectations of something in return for an action of mine? What eventually became apparent was that this discipline was not only good for the soul - it was transforming my body.

Research is beginning to document the power of love and serving. Schmale and Iker, in a study of 68 women predisposed to cervical carcinoma, discovered that they could predict, prior to biopsy, which women would have carcinomatous changes on the basis of the presence or absence of a high hopelessness potential and/or reported recent hopelessness. Further research revealed a certain character pattern or quality that counteracted these feelings of helplessness and hopelessness and thus enhanced a state of health. This quality was the selfless devotion of giving to others. Patients reported two feelings that created an internal state of contentment: pride of action and the feeling of goodness that comes when people give without regard for their own personal needs. This internal state, says Schmale, reflects one's ability to cope with life and thus remain in a state of health.

2. I went from resentment to forgiveness. It astounded me when I recognized how many people I still resented from some act or words they had said to me from as long as 25 years ago. For example, I noticed that I still resented my third grade teacher. She had told me that because I was handicapped, I didn't need to learn to write. What did my resentment do to her? Nothing! Nothing at all. The only one still being affected was me.

3. I went from self-hatred to self-acceptance and unconditional love. My body had never been right. I came in two sizes as a result of the childhood polio. I despised my body and wished it would just disappear. Outwardly I pretended to accept and love myself. So the problem wasn't totally in the hating of my body, but in the mixed messages I was sending myself. I could give up and just hate myself totally - or learn to love myself totally. Because I longed to experience unconditional love before I died, I chose to learn to love my body (which, thanks to the ALS, was now like a bowl of jello in a wheelchair!). Every day I would focus on some part of my body, praise it and love it. I also began to look at myself in a mirror and speak words of love and affection to my reflection. This was not an easy task. But, as a friend of mine says, "If you can fake it you can make it." So, at first I faked it. But, gradually the self-acceptance became real. Eventually, I found myself completely content with me and with my physical body. And, as my experience of love for myself deepened, I was finally able to love others as well as accept their love for me.

4. I went from wanting to escape from life to accepting life exactly as it is. In truth, I'd been dissatisfied with my job and wanted out. Yet I had said that I wanted to be the youngest female hospital administrator in the USA - even if it killed me! And how could I admit that the entire thrust of my life was wrong? What then?

5. I went from expecting and preparing for death to celebrating life and living every moment . I had been given one year to live by the top neurologists in the country. For me, it was a verdict. I became preoccupied with my death and how to have it be the best death possible. One day I asked myself, "What is my life for? To sit here dying each moment or to celebrate the life I still have?"

6. I went from denying painful emotions to sharing them and letting them go . Having lied for so many years about my feelings, I first had to allow them to be, then to identify them, distinguish one from another, and finally to share them openly with others. In the process of sharing, I discovered those that weren't useful just disappeared.

7. I went from avoiding intimacy to opening myself to love. This last shift was actually a product of the other six - and perhaps the most important one. In a well-known experiment out of Ohio State University, rabbits were given a diet high in fat and cholesterol to demonstrate atherosclerotic changes. The results were as predicted - except for one group, where there were 60 percent less atherosclerotic changes than in all the other groups. The only variable discovered was that the researcher for this group regularly took the rabbits from their cages and petted, stroked and talked to them. This experiment was repeated many times, with the same results. The rabbits who were stroked and cared for were healthier than those who were not.4 Intimacy at every level - emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and physical - is the flowering of unconditional love.
Click here to read Evy's entire story

Evy McDonald, R.N., M.S., M.Div., former intensive and coronary care director, knows what dealing with a "terminal illness" is all about. In the 1980s she was diagnosed with ALS, which progressed until she was a "bowl of jello in a wheelchair." After her recovery from ALS, she conducted a medical research project on the mind-body-spirit connection in ALS. Today she has left the health arena and is in service as a Methodist minister, leaving behind a legacy of ALS articles and resources that offer science and inspiration to those dealing with serious health conditions.

Another amazing testimonial about ALS from Jason Becker, musician
"In 1996, I could barely breathe unless I was totally reclined. Lack of air and so much fear made me very angry much of the time. This anger compounded because I got mad at myself for getting mad. Finally, in February 1997, I reluctantly went to get a tracheostomy (a tube through my throat for breathing) and a gastrostomy (a tube through my abdomen into my stomach for liquids). When I first got to the hospital I hadn't slept for three days. I lay down and stopped breathing. Everyone was happy I was finally resting. My girlfriend came in and started worrying because I responded to nothing. After trying to comfort the ignorant lay people of my family, the doctor finally looked at my chart and me and realized I needed a breathing mask. I had carbon dioxide poisoning. I was close to being a veggie. I am so sorry for people whose lives slip away by human mistakes. I guess it was meant to be... One particular event in the hospital changed my life

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The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D

Biology of Belief "Dr Lipton presents fascinating scientific findings about how what we believe effects us on a cellular level and how we can literally change our makeup by what we believe about ourselves. I was mesemerized by this book, even though it was a bit "heady" at times, I found myslef eagerly going back and re-reading the parts that I did not understand over and over to make sure I had a firm grasp on the material. The material was that important. If you want to know what part "faith" and "consciousness" plays in determining who we are and what lives we lead.

The Biology of Belief is a groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology. Author Dr. Bruce Lipton is a former medical school professor and research scientist. His experiments, and those of other leading-edge scientists, have examined in great detail the processes by which cells receive information. The implications of this research radically change our understanding of life. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Dr. Lipton's profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics is being hailed as a major breakthrough showing that our bodies can be changed as we retrain our thinking.

"Dr. Lipton has clearly challenged what we thought we knew and opened Pandora's box. Scientists have long stated, "If you can't prove it, it doesn't exist." That means that we relegate our belief system to the quality of our measuring devices. Since we couldn't measure things at biological speeds until we got Pentium class computers, we haven't been able to measure biological electronic function for very many years. Lipton has helped refocus us away from the false belief that the body is Newtonian and reductionistic to the reality that the body works at the atomic level where Newton's laws fail and electromagnetic energy rules." Jerald Tennant M.D.

Out of Your Mind: Essential Listening From the Alan Watts Audio Archives

Alan Watts out of your mind "Faith is a state of openness or trust. To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float. And the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging to belief, of holding on. In other words, a person who is fanatic in matters of religion, and clings to certain ideas about the nature of God and the universe, becomes a person who has no faith at all. Instead they are holding tight. But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be."

The universe is an infinite and intertwined tapestry of phenomena, yet most of us experience only a few spare threads. Look more closely at the “warp and weave” of creation, suggests Watts, and you may discover an astonishing wealth of meaning. Pleasure and suffering, fear and exuberance—Watts explores the surprising relationships among these universal experiences and the “inevitable ecstasy” they lead to.

"Underneath the superficial self, which pays attention to this and that, there is another self more really us than I. And the more you become aware of the unknown self -- if you become aware of it -- the more you realize that it is inseparably connected with everything else that is. You are a function of this total galaxy, bounded by the Milky Way, and this galaxy is a function of all other galaxies. You are that vast thing that you see far, far off with great telescopes. You look and look, and one day you are going to wake up and say, "Why, that's me!" And in knowing that, you know that you never die. You are the eternal thing that comes and goes that appears -- now as John Jones, now as Mary Smith, now as Betty Brown -- and so it goes, forever and ever and ever."

I don't think I could begin to put into words how wonderful these CDs are! They have transformed my life! His books are great, but to hear him speak puts his discourses on a whole new level. ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!!! Listen to a preview

ASCENSION - A True Story of A Near Death Experience

The universe was created out of love, and we are all a part of that creation. The unconditional love that I felt during my NDE was very powerful. Instinctively we fear this kind of love by layering it with many conditions. The greatest fear we face is, will this love I give be returned? It's as if we all think that we only have so much to give, and that it might run out. We tend to look at other's failures as the only reality in this world, and become even more fearful of this powerful emotion. Somehow we have forgotten that the giving of love is the blessing, and returns to the sender an abundance of even more to give. This is the lesson that we all have to learn; this is what we need to fill that big black hole with! I know in my spirit that these lessons will be learned by all, and then we shall all be transformed into new planes, and be given even greater gifts to share.

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Don't Believe in Miracles, Depend On Them!

Max Stein

If you are asking if all miracles involve some sort of transformation of matter, the answer is "No." But they always have effect.

Remember, everything you perceive is an idea, so there is no difference at all between what you define as "tangible" and what you call "intangible."

A miracle might involve a change in the way you see your world, it might involve a physical healing, it might involve meeting exactly the right person at exactly the right time!

There is no difference in quality or difficulty among any of these events. Miracles are also much broader in their effect than you now understand. One miracle may affect thousands and will always echo around your world.

What to you is a "small" miracle might be a ripple from a dramatic event many miles away. Every miracle changes the world. You don't need an explanation for everything. Recognize that there are such things as miracles, events for which there are no explanations. Later, knowledge may explain those events quite easily.

The fact that you can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return are common miracles. Your duty to yourself is to believe that for which you have sufficient evidence, and to suspend your judgment when you have not.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Some things have to be believed to be seen. Vision is the art of seeing invisible things. A miracle as "an unusual or extraordinary event. . .that finds no reasonable explanation in ordinary human abilities or in other known forces."

Animal Wisdom: Dogs and cats know what you are going to do long before you do it and often will be in a room or ready before you are. They pick up the mental pictures you broadcast (this is how you communicate with animals by thinking in pictures).

Farmer Fleming Good Karma

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in a black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death. The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.

"I want to repay you," said the nobleman. "You saved my son's life."
"No, I can't accept payment for what I did," the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer.
At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel.
"Is that your son?" the nobleman asked.
"Yes," the farmer replied proudly.
"I'll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good education. If the lad is anything like his father, he'll grow to a man you can be proud of."

And that he did. In time, Farmer Fleming's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin. Years afterward, the nobleman's son was stricken with pneumonia. What saved him? Penicillin. The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill. Someone once said; what goes around comes around

Unifying concept of the universe

McTaggart, an investigative journalist (What Doctors Don't Tell You), describes scientific discoveries that she believes point to a unifying concept of the universe, one that reconciles mind with matter, classic Newtonian science with quantum physics and, most importantly, science with religion. At issue is the zero point field, the so-called "dead space" of microscopic vibrations in outer space as well as within and between physical objects on earth. These fields, McTaggart asserts, are a "cobweb of energy exchange" that link everything in the universe; they control everything from cellular communication to the workings of the mind, and they could be harnessed for unlimited propulsion fuel, levitation, ESP, spiritual healing and more. Physicists have been aware of the likelihood of this field for years, McTaggart writes, but, constrained by orthodoxy, they have ignored its effects, which she likens to "subtracting out God" from their equations. But, McTaggart asserts, "tiny pockets of quiet rebellion" against scientific convention are emerging, led by Ed Mitchell, an Apollo 14 astronaut and founder of the Institute for Noetic Sciences, an alternative-science think tank. McTaggart writes well and tells a good story, but the supporting data here is somewhat sketchy. Until it materializes, McTaggart may have to settle for being a voice in the wilderness.

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People in our Lives

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there,
To serve some sort of purpose, to teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you might want to become.

You never know who these people may be, possibly your roommate neighbor, professor, long lost friend, lover or even a complete stranger you know at the moment they will affect your life in some profound way.

Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first but in reflection you find that without overcoming these obstacles you would have never realized your potential, your strength, your willpower, or heart.

Everything happens for a reason Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul.

Without these small tests, whatever they may be life would be like a smoothly paved, straight flat road to nowhere It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet who affect your life and the success and downfalls you experience help to create who you are and who you become.

Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally not only because they love you but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things that you would have never seen or felt without them.

Make everyday count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again.

Talk to people that you have never talked to before and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love break free, and set your sights high.

Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you either.

You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life, then go out and live it.

Author Unknown

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When you were born, you didn't come with an owner's manual; these guidelines make life work better.
  • You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it's the only thing you are sure to keep for the rest of your life.
  • You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called "Life on Planet Earth". Every person or incident is the Universal Teacher.
  • There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of experimentation. "Failures" are as much a part of the process as "success."
  • A lesson is repeated until learned. It is presented to you in various forms until you learn it: then you can go on to the next lesson.
  • If you don't learn easy lessons, they get harder. External problems are a precise reflection of your internal state. When you clear inner obstructions, your outside world changes. Pain is how the universe gets your attention.
  • You will know you've learned a lesson when your actions change. Wisdom is practice. A little of something is better than a lot of nothing.
  • "There" is no better than "here". When your "there" becomes a "here" you will simply obtain another "there" that again looks better than "here."
  • Others are only mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another unless it reflects something you love or hate in yourself.
  • Your life is up to you. Life provides the canvas; you do the painting. Take charge of your life, or someone else will.
  • You always get what you want. Your subconscious rightfully determines what energies, experiences, and people you attract; therefore, the only foolproof way to know what you want is to see what you have. There are no victims, only students.
  • There is no right or wrong, but there are consequences. Moralizing doesn't help. Judgments only hold the patterns in place. Just do your best.
  • Your answers lie inside you. Children need guidance from others; as we mature, we trust our hearts, where the Laws of Spirit are written. You know more than you have heard or read or been told. All you need to do is to look, listen, and trust.
  • You will forget all this.
  • You can remember any time you wish.

Author unknown

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Seeing What You Believe, Believing What You See

Deepak Chopra

There is a prejudice in modern society that we need to get over. It’s the prejudice in favor of things that are concrete, tangible and three-dimensional. We feel that a rock is real because it is solid and heavy, and our senses can easily locate it in time and space. So what are we to make of a reality where seeing isn’t believing? Snails have very slow nervous systems. It takes them several seconds to record each new visual impression. What this means is that if someone walks by very quickly and drops a penny in front of a snail, the person will be invisible and the penny will seem to appear from nowhere. In reverse, if a snail is picked up and moved very quickly, it will believe it has teleported from one place to the other.

Our senses play the same trick with reality at large. Our brains are too slow to register that every concrete object is winking in and out of existence at the quantum level thousands of times per second; therefore, we see solid objects where none in fact exist.

The five senses imprison us in ways that are unconscious and invisible. Years ago, I read accounts of congenitally blind people who were given sight overnight thanks to innovative surgery. On being exposed to light for the first time, they were often completely disoriented. They wondered why people dragged black patches around with them wherever they went (we call them shadows). If asked how big a cow was standing a hundred yards away, they’d guess three inches tall; stairs were frightening two-dimensional ladders climbing straight up the wall. Sometimes these bizarre perceptions were so disturbing that the newly sighted preferred to sit in the dark with their eyes closed. Aren’t we doing much the same by clinging to the world of the five senses?

Can we reinvent ourselves in light of non-sensory reality, or are we to be prisoners of the five senses as much as our ancestors were in pre-history? Every time we repeat the words “sunrise” and “sunset” we are indulging in a sensory deception. Here’s another: Experiments have been done in which a group of subjects are put in front of a tape recorder; they are asked to write down what the voice on the tape says, and the machine is started. But the volume is so low that the voice is very difficult to decipher. Even so, every subject writes down a reasonable set of notes. The catch is that the machine was uttering nonsense; the ear, and the brain cooperated to create meaning where none existed, a totally unreliable version of reality.

A fact from neurology, little known to the general public, is that our brains create the five senses and therefore everything they tell us. There is literally no light or darkness, taste, touch, or sound “out there,” except what we have created “in here.” Imagine two magnets approaching each other with positive poles facing. Each magnet will feel that an invisible force is pushing them apart against their wills, and if the magnets are strong enough, this repulsive force will stop them from getting any closer: It will be as solid as a cement wall. In reverse, the human body isn’t solid to neutrinos, x-rays, and gamma radiation, and since every atom inside us is more than 99.9999% empty space, the fact that your hand feels solid is an illusion as much as the wall that separates two repelling magnets. (The empty space between the nucleus of an atom and the electrons orbiting around it is far larger, relatively, than the void between the Earth and the sun.)

So the basic way we need to reinvent perception is to realize that the five senses are totally illusory, the good news being that we can transcend them. In fact we do this every day. I’m not being mystical, although it’s true that God has managed the feat of being invisible and worshiped at the same time. I’m thinking of something as basic as sight. We say that seeing is believing, and yet no one knows what seeing actually is. There is no light inside the visual cortex, which is responsible for sight–that area of the brain, like every other, is an oatmeal-consistency semi-solid mass that knows only perpetual darkness. There are no pictures in our brains, only a firestorm of chemical and electrical signals. How we convert photons striking the retina into visible reality is totally unknown, and since the same holds true for the other four senses, reality itself is up for grabs. Uncertainty reigns, and where there is uncertainty there’s a chance for freedom. As one famous Indian guru once told his followers, reality is like a net. If you want to escape it, find a hole and jump through.

In truth, the net woven by the five senses has many holes in it. Technology jumps through them every day–photons have already been teleported from one location in the lab to another without passing through the space in between. Anti-gravity looms as a possibility, along with practical and affordable superconductivity. Virtual space, called the Zero Point Field, may contain untold energy that could be harvested cheaper and with less hazard than nuclear energy. Nano solar cells may harness solar energy with undreamed of efficiency in our lifetime. All these possibilities completely defy the five senses.

Yet, I think the greatest revolution will occur when we solve the mystery of how the brain projects reality. It’s hard to conceive of how a three-pound organ that is primarily water and glucose has engendered the whole world. Creatures with different brains do not inhabit the same reality (porpoises, for example, have massive auditory centers and may literally “hear” the tides, the Earth turning on its axis and the position of the stars–we can’t fathom their perceptual scheme). Nor do human beings share the same brain. So-called idiot savants exist who can name a prime number to five or six digits, or the day of the week that Christmas will fall on in the year 2387, and yet are unable to dress themselves or make change. One savant learned mandarin Chinese, along with several other fiendishly difficult languages, despite having an I.Q. below 80 and in addition, was found to be holding the textbook upside down.

My prediction is that we will see ourselves more and more connected to the quantum field, not physically but through the mind. This “mind field” is invisible and universal; it encompasses all living things; it weaves the fabric of nature. As our prejudice in favor of solid, concrete things fades away, certain fringe phenomena will become everyday. Healing without touch will be legitimized, since the human body can be altered by altering the field. Telepathy and clairvoyance will seem ordinary, since time and distance are compressed to a single point in the field; Intuition and epiphanies will be explained as subtle field interactions. The best outcome would be that wisdom will reemerge as a vital human capacity, for there is no doubt that our spiritual forebears were deeply in touch with the same invisible reality that still surrounds us. We have shut out that reality in our stubborn, rigid insistence on believing our senses, but seeing with the eyes of the soul is possible. In the end, a new humanity is also possible once we escape the prison we have sentenced ourselves to for far too long. The so-called sixth sense isn’t a separate sense at all, but a new opening for human evolution with unlimited possibilities.

Deepak Chopra is acknowledged as one of the world's greatest teachers in the field of mind-body medicine. He is the author of more than 42 books, including Ageless Body, Timeless Mind and, most recently, Peace Is the Way. In the 1980s, Dr. Chopra built a successful endocrinology practice in Boston.
His Web site is www.chopra.com.