Vaccination with Leptospira is Fraught with Problems
"In several vaccine lectures that I have attended in the past four years,
the most current information from our premiere veterinary vaccine researchers,
Dr. Ronald Schultz, Immunologist "Dog vaccines may not be necessary"
and Dr. Richard Ford, (Infectious Disease Professor, Clinical Director of NC College of Veterinary Medicine), is that
Leptospirosis vaccines are not recommended vaccines. Dr. Ron Schultz, whom lives
in a Leptospira endemic area of the country, still does not recommend the Leptospira
vaccines and does not vaccinate his own dogs.
First let us look at information from the CDC website on the disease of Leptospirosis
as it stands here in the United States. The most current CDC fact sheet states
that Leptospirosis in humans is not a reportable disease in the United States.
The few cases that occur are mostly traced to Hawaii which is not a part of
the continental United States. The disease does occur more in tropical climates
and is reported to have a fatality rate worldwide in humans of 1-5%. With most
of the cases in the US occurring in Hawaii or in travelers that went to tropical
destinations we can put the exposure of Leptospirosis in the US into proper
Indeed while I requested the epidemiological information on Leptospirosis in
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts prior to a lecture promoting Leptospirosis
vaccines in dogs, I found that Massachusetts had never had even one case of
Leptospirosis reported in humans since they started looking for Leptospirosis
.5 There were no cases of Leptospirosis reports in dogs documented and confirm" Dr. Patricia Jordan DVM
Leptospirosis Vaccine killed Doberman Champion Show Dog
by Sue and Zoe Lewsley
We would like to inform you of the recent experience we have had with our
six year old Doberman dog following his Booster. Tommy was in excellent condition
and was a Champion showdog who was Top Doberman in the UK 2000. In May 2002
we took Tommy to the Vet for blood tests to see whether he needed his Booster
and the Vet advised we should give the Leptospirosis vaccine as this was safe
and would definitely be needed. On his return home, Tommy was very quiet and
went and lay upstairs on his own. When we tried to get him to come downstairs,
he had problems getting up off the bed and was un-coordinated. He then tried
to get on the bed in the other bedroom and when we tried to help him, he fell
back screaming in pain and could not move.
We immediately took him to the vets who kept him in for the day on a drip
saying he had inflammation of his entire body and this was a known reaction
to the vaccine. He seemed much better by the evening so they said we could bring
him home but he deteriorated again, collapsed on his back end, wedged under
the furniture and was screaming in pain. We rang the emergency vets who said
to rest him and give him meta-cam. We sat with Tommy throughout the night and
we got the vet out first thing Saturday (the next morning) and he was given
morphine and carried out in a blanket to be returned to the vets.
Over the next few days a myleogram was done and the pictures sent to a specialist
and surgery was performed on the following Tuesday. One of Tommy's discs in
the pelvic region had completely blown apart and there was massive hemorrhaging.
The surgeon said he had never seen anything like it. Over the weeks and with
physiotherapy, acupuncture and swimming Tommy had improved and was standing
and sitting and seemed to be making a slow but constant recovery. Tommy stayed
at a specialist vets in Fleet, where he was swum every day and the treatment
could not have been better. We then started to bring him home weekends and had
him home for the last week with his daughter Leila, taking him back for swims
every day. Throughout this time, Tommy was always in high spirits and was getting
up onto his feet and attempting to move.
Unfortunately, over the last week, he started to deteriorate and was becoming
less able to get around. We arranged for a consult with the surgeon on 1st August
(unfortunately his 7th Birthday) and it became apparent after various tests
that his nerve damage on the left side was too extensive and he would never
be able to progress any further. We then had to make the terrible decision to
let him go and not prolong the situation. Tommy had been a wonderful patient
endearing himself to all who met him and his willpower had been phenomenal.
He will be sadly missed. The vets have reported the reaction to the Veterinary
Drug Board who are looking into the matter, which we hope will stop another
animal having to go through the same trauma. We hope this information will hope with your fight and should you require
any further information, pleae do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,Sue and Zoe Lewsley
Over-vaccinating and the overdosing of pet vaccines has become a global issue. 5 lbs
dogs are receiving the same dose of the
rabies vaccine as 150 lbs Great Danes, and vets are now witnessing terrible side effects.
There is a Problem with Leptospirosis Vaccines
Beware the Smoke and Mirrors
By Patricia Jordan, DVM
Again, I gathered this information for the purpose of properly understanding
the true status of the Leptospirosis disease and the need for a preventative
program within the veterinary clinical setting.
Researching the areas of the world that are trouble spots of Leptospira exposure
- Okinawa, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Cuba, Guatemala,
Borneo - most of the areas that suffer from this disease in a natural setting,
have a number of common environmental parameters. One is standing water or flooding,
post hurricane flooding and in tropical areas of increased water fall. US military
personnel have seen infections with Leptospira when at duty in stations in tropical
and subtropical locations. Another factor to consider with Leptospirosis is
the presence of rat infestations. This can be found in slums of Brazil and the
crowded areas of rat infested alleys of the NY Bronx, to the rat infested prisons
of Malaysia. Sewer workers in China are exposed to Leptospirosis; post flood
waters from hurricanes in Cuba bring predictable exposure to Leptospira.
There is also a seasonality of autumn associated with the disease. People and
animals exposed to infected areas of water, ponds and smaller lakes, hunters
and people taking part in water sports are at risk in selected reservoirs harboring
pathogenic serovars of Leptospira. Occupations exposing the workers to animals
- as in butchers and slaughterhouse workers - are at increased risk, as are
veterinarians and farmers. One dairy maid in the UK lost a pregnancy at 23 weeks
due to the first known case of human intrauterine exposure to Leptospirosis.6
A caution to handling the tissues of any animals that could become infected
with pathogenic strains of Leptospirosis would be prudent to note; namely in
cows, pigs, and dogs. Understanding the factors that increase the risk of exposure
to Leptospirosis is necessary in understanding how to avoid Leptospirosis exposure.
Last year there was a report of the use of Leptospirosis as a biological warfare
weapon in Somalia, the pathogen being added to the drinking water supply of
soldiers.7 A newly reported reservoir of Leptospira in bats is also a matter
of study .8 California sea lions and harbor seals have been found to carry Leptospira
and Japan has found Leptospira in flying squirrels imported from the United
States as pets from Texas.9,10 Other than these aforementioned areas, the fact
is that the typical veterinary patient in the continental United States will
not be at risk nor exposed to a pathogenic serovar of this organism that is
nevertheless listed as the most rapidly growing zoonosis in the world.
Last year, the predictable season of post hurricane flooding and Leptospira
exposure in Cuba was handled with the public prescription and use of homeopathy.
This successful use of homeopathy for public health is documented with over
2.4 million people in Cuba administered two doses of homeoprophylaxis in 2007
by the Ministry of Health in Cuba. The doses of Leptospira nosode had been prepared
at the Finlay Institute, a center dedicated to development and production of
vaccines. Finlay Institute is a WHO qualified facility dedicated to research,
production and development and produces high quality homeopathic products in
addition to vaccines.11 Understanding that there are much safer ways to address
exposure to Leptospira in the example of a chemoprophylaxis also is important
when the record of adverse events from Leptospira vaccines are discussed.
Outside the United States where recognized pathogenic serovars of Leptospira
exist and certain workers are at higher risk for Leptospira infections, except
for a few weak references of sewer workers and agricultural workers in Asia,
people are simply not vaccinated against Leptospirosis. The reasons are:
#1 the vaccines do not work to prevent infections
#2 the vaccine is associated with adverse events that preclude their use.
So, if exposure to Leptospirosis is so specific, if there are known adverse
events, and if there is a lack of protection from the vaccines in humans, why
are Leptospira vaccines promoted for dogs in the United States, or in the United
Kingdom or in Australia?
The Bad Vaccine
There are over 230 serovars of Leptospirosis, only a few which are pathogenic.
The vaccines are serovar specific and several factors are impacted by this information.
First of all, any vaccine administered for specific serovars will only create
agglutinating antibody to those specific serovars.
Once vaccinated, the patient’s serum can no longer be a useful record for diagnostic
tests, as the serum antibody titer from the vaccine cannot be distinguished
from antibody caused by natural infection. This leads to interpretation problems
when trying to diagnose the presence of infection or disease.
Records of multivalent vaccines lead to test results of antibody generation
against serovars that were not even included in the vaccine to begin with.
This, of course, means that antibodies came from natural exposure, and not from
the vaccine. This leads to problems using the MAT titer test to even try and
determine beyond doubt which serovar was the serovar of infectivity, if any.
If the production of antibody following vaccination were synonymous with immunity
(which it is not) or immunization (which it is not) the obvious conclusion of
this information is that vaccination does not even result in protection.
Due to molecular mimicry with antigens, the unsettling factor for disease presence
is complicated with cross reactivity of the antigens with many different disease
organisms such as Syphilis, Lyme, Legionaries, HIV and autoimmune disease.
Put simply, this means that it is difficult to distinguish between antibodies
to this range of diseases. Testing of the patient suspected with a Leptospirosis
disease is now done via the PCR DNA test for the actual organism retrieved from
either blood or urine.
Oregon State Veterinary Diagnostic laboratory and IDEXX now both advertise this
PCR testing on the DNA of the actual organism.23, 24 One problem with the tests
is to understand that you should not administer any treatment prior to obtaining
test samples if you want a chance at retrieving useful information - as even
one dose of antibiotics is able to turn a positive case to negative on the PCR
test following treatment.25 Any treatment will also render a test taken at a
later date negative.
This would be a good time to let you know how easily Leptospirosis can be treated.
Doxycycline is the antibiotic of choice. This antibiotic has the ability, even
in renal compromise, to sterilize the urinary tract of Leptospira infection.
Doxycycline can be administered to dogs with renal insufficiency and is effective
in both the infection of the blood or urine stage, clearing the organism from
the kidneys.
Since there are so many Leptospirosis serovars out there, and since the pathogenic
strains vary, and since the vaccines cannot guarantee protection from infection,
it would make better sense to not inject your dog with any Leptospira vaccines.
The trade offs to avoiding adverse events from vaccination - not the least of
which can be kidney failure within 48 hours of injection, or four years of dermatitis
and puritis - would be the human caretakers actually knowing their dog is sick
with a pathogenic strain and having their dog presented immediately for treatment.
To do this, animal guardians need to be aware of the symptoms of Leptospirosis
in the dog.
Antibiotic treatment is quickly effective. The possibility of human infection
from their dog disappears after the first day of treatment with antibiotics,
so early detection of a real problem impacts human public health issues as well.
Doxycycline (chemoprophylaxis) is also used successfully to prevent human infections
(weekly 200 mg for military personnel without previous exposure to Leptospirosis
who are going for jungle training) when taken prior to the possibility of Leptospira
Vaccination with Leptospira is fraught with problems. Leptospira vaccines cannot
even protect the dog from infection with Leptospira or renal colonization. Leptospira
vaccines have little effect on the maintenance and transmission of the disease
in the animal populations in which they are applied. The Leptospira becomes
the very source of infection of the humans in contact with the Leptospirosis
vaccinated dog.31 There are several cases that I am personally aware of that,
in the end, I could not say beyond any doubt that the Leptospira vaccine administered
to the dog was not the actual reason for subclinical infection. Chronic shedding
of the Leptospira in turn infected the humans living in the same household!
Read the paper on the use and overuse of veterinary vaccines leading to emerging
public health issues and realize that use of Leptospira vaccines in dogs is
an obstacle to public health!
In the case of a duck hunter contracting a case of Leptospirosis, following
the epidemiological field study undertaken by the state of California and the
inability to recover any Leptospira from the bodies of water, the question needs
to be answered if the man became infected through transmission of the Leptospira
from his vaccinated dog.
There is a cost associated with monitoring the environment to continue to assess
the extent of any purported Leptospirosis serovars causing disease in a given
population. To date there are no such programs set up as the scarcity of the
disease economically makes Leptospira not a “priority” disease, not one that
even needs to be tackled with vaccination. A successful vaccination program
requires that the epidemiological studies are done to assess the extent of a
problem and this is currently not even being preformed.
The public and the veterinary doctors usually do not know that this vaccine
does not confer immunity. Challenge studies are rarely done and the studies
I have evaluated are conflicted and ineffective in measuring immunity in vivo,
36 Production of Leptospira vaccines are expensive and labor intensive to the
drug companies who must recoup the precious monies spent to have brought them
to market. Is this enough of a reason to allow the adverse events that follow
use of this troubled vaccine?
Most information available to the animal caretakers that come from self proclaimed
“dog experts” on the internet are false. The marketing misinformation that recommends
this vaccine is everywhere. Unfortunately this includes most of the advice available
from veterinary run websites on the internet, and in the veterinary office in
the brochures available to clients. I found one very fair column on the subject
of Leptospirosis written by a retired veterinarian in Oklahoma, and a great
article that even listed the contraindications for the Leptospira vaccines in
dogs by a veterinarian in Bali - one place that has a serious Leptospirosis
problem.37, 38 Why is this? The truth is that veterinarians are painfully inept
at discussing the facts surrounding Leptospirosis because the bulk of their
information comes from the very drug companies that stand to profit or at least
recoup the many monies this troubled vaccine has cost their corporations.
One serious problem veterinarians make is marketing conflict material for the
drug companies. I have seen this misinformation published - not only in the
local newspapers but also on the worldwide web. A Reidsville, NC veterinary
facility that promoted the Leptospira vaccine in partnership with Pfizer was
the source of one particular case.39 The advice of our professional medical
experts is seriously compromised and devalued when they do not perform due diligence
in the release of misinformation marketing material. The conflict material included
a telephone number to the veterinary facility, so I made a telephone call and
heard the veterinary receptionist continue to disperse marketing misinformation.
Where is truth in advertising? Truth is not even found at the very facilities
that administer the jab!
Who then will be held accountable for the adverse events that follow the administration
of Leptospira vaccines? Certainly not the corporations that make the vaccine,
they have no license to censure.
I am including pictures of animals harmed by the Leptospira vaccines and a listing
of those adverse events reported by the clients. Anaphylaxis, anorexia, fever,
dehydration, autoimmune disease, digestive issues, limping, loud vocalization
following vaccination, acute organ failure, renal failure, liver failure, pancreatitis,
death, dermatitis, puritis, cancer, degeneration of soft tissue - all of these
are reports following administration of the Leptospira vaccine.
Here is another important fact of vaccine use in general: Vaccines are being
linked to death, disease and chronic disability. Vaccines - because of the immunopathology
they activate once the jab has been delivered - are responsible for the disease
that results in those receiving the jab. Immune reaction to the soup of ingredients
delivered in the jab result in auto-antibody production.40 Microbial antigens
can also elicit auto-antibody production.41 Indeed vaccines are now found to
be responsible for auto-antibody production, autoimmune disease, and cancer!
The immunogenetics of auto-antibody and autoimmune diseases are under genetic
control; however the inciting disturbance to elicit gene response is from the
jab itself.42 Vaccines lead to mutations of the genome, autoimmune disease in
one generation leads to genetic disease in the next.
Vaccines generate genetic impact that not only determines the severity of the immune response in natural
infections but also dictates response from tissue histocompatibility markers
and the expression of autoimmune disease with repeated exposure to antigens
with subsequent vaccine administrations. The histocompatibility markers on the
tissues are also reactive to the results of the jab. The genetic compromise
that occurs to anyone’s genome receiving the jab has never been researched by
the drug manufacturer’s that produce vaccines and therefore prove that vaccine
safety and efficacy have never been determined by the government regulatory
agencies that license and unleash these products upon the populations.
Indeed, research is now available to show how the histocompatibility sites
of human and animal tissues are reacting with vaccine-injected antigens that
in turn are responsible for the adverse, lethal disease pathology that kills
or dis eases the patient.43 Indeed there are examples of the very vaccine antigen
to immune cell response with both Leptospira and Lyme disease vaccines producing
the same pathology as the natural infection itself.
To clarify, these vaccines can cause the disease pathology that we are vaccinating
against. In some cases with viral vaccines they can even result in the viral
disease itself.
This brings more understanding to the statement in the book ‘Vaccination Examining
the Record’ by Judith A. DeCava: “a person not vaccinated has ONE RISK, catching
the disease, where a vaccinated person has TWO RISKS; catching the disease and
damage from the vaccine”. We now know that the vaccines have not been safety
tested and they have not really been proven effective in providing true immunity.
The immune system reactivity vaccines
are responsible for can be the expression of the adverse events and diseases
that follow vaccine administration. Specific Leptospirosis severity may be
associated with the intensity of the humoral immune response. Vaccines and previous
natural exposure would determine this humoral immune response.
Therefore the “gene environment” which is impacted by every jab delivered can determine the
T cell activation and immune complexes, auto antibodies and cytokine cascade
that results not only with future natural exposure to antigen but with every
additional jab delivered. The making of a “super antigen” and lethal consequences
would at the hands of the vaccine administrators. This is why Dr. Ron Schultz
is on record with a minimal vaccine protocol and has said you better have a
good reason for injecting because any time you inject you could kill the patient.
The hypothesis is that the disease of Leptospirosis is in actuality immune mediated.
I believe I have support of this in the reporting by doctors of the use of pulsed
steroid treatment to save the kidney in cases where the symptoms are the very
description of immune mediated dis ease itself. Patients that were treated with
pulsed steroids were too far from immediate medical facilities and were treated
in the field situations with high doses of pulsed steroid. Immunosuppressive
dosing of steroids was able to save them from renal failure and the immune mediated
pathology of the disease until they were able to reach critical care facilities
and fluid support for the kidneys. This means the antigens in the vaccine
are just as capable of producing disease as in the natural infection because
of the interaction of the antigen and the immune cells, is the dis ease!
Another factor now understood is that in direct opposition to the germ theory
of Pasteur, it appears this is another example of the proof that Microbiologist
Antoine Bechamp was correct about disease and the theory of “terrain”. Terrain
theory states that it is the individual’s system that determines dis ease and
the individual response to presentation of the antigen to the patient’s immune
cells. However, multiple administrations of vaccines hyper sensitize the patient
to a real crisis, and when antigen and immune cells collide, disease results.
So beware the medical professionals that are not Leptospirosis literate and
are just promoting corporate marketing information. Misinformation seems to
me to be the majority of Leptospirosis information available. Marketers - especially
now in this tight economy - are engaging all of their “business resources” in
order to generate revenue. Adverse event associated vaccine administration are
a real boon to the coffers when the adverse events follow the cost of vaccinations.
Pfizer sponsored”scientific” papers on Leptospira are sponsored with “educational
“grants in order to produce recommendations for vaccination of the dog without
proof that the vaccine is safe or effective. They use words like “likely” and
“appears’ to expotentialize the nonexistent benefit of vaccination. They are
“reaching” in their efforts to provide a benefit for vaccine use. They say these
vaccines “appear” to be effective. They write off any adverse events from the
vaccines stating “published data to validate these concerns are lacking because
there is no independent mechanism to report vaccine reactions in the US”.
The drug companies and the veterinarians that are paid as corporate mouthpieces
can all hide behind this statement and all help keep independent mechanisms
for reporting adverse vaccine events from manifesting by influencing government.
The repeatable phenomena that continue to follow vaccinations are not merely
A Pfizer mouthpiece states that “they would advise to strongly consider vaccination”
because “they appear to work”, yearly boosters “appear to be necessary”. They
admit that the weak spot is “vaccine development” and “diagnostic assays”, that
reemergence of this disease could very well be the result of vaccine programs!
When I pressed for the proof from Merial that their Leptospira vaccines did
indeed provide an entire year of “immunity” they finally sent me an article
that did not even test their vaccines. The company forwarded work from Intervet
in the Netherlands. Intervet is the source of much conflict in the UK for mounting
yearly marketing campaigns in order to advocate yearly vaccinations of pets,
despite the fact this is not a recommendation from the World Small Animal Veterinary
Association or our AVMA or AAHA, or in Australia. The paper that was supposed
to prove the worthiness of the Leptospira vaccines was conflict material that
also failed to properly test vaccinates in a method that would prove immunity.
The paper was also not even using the Merial vaccines in their study. The conflict
work was performed at the Dept. of Bacteriological R & D for Intervet International
BV in the Netherlands.
If you read the paper A Shot in the Dark about the scandal surrounding the push
to vaccinate dogs in the UK with Leptospirosis vaccines, despite the lack of
proof of the existence of a Leptospirosis problem. You will find out that the
drug companies conspired to format a market for their product with only anecdotal
evidence of the existence of any Leptospirosis problems. What truthful information
or facts do we really have to base due diligence on?
This problem of the drug company making a market for their product when a risk
for the disease does not exist, or when there is a risk of vaccine induced adverse
events, is not beneficial to the animals is counter-productive for animal welfare.
A few examples of this happening in human medicine with Glaxo Smith Kline and
the Hep B vaccine, the Merck Gardasil vaccine and the Bird Flu and Swine flu
vaccines have all resulted in a call for investigations and criminal charges
to be brought against the WHO.
The WHO Vaccine Advisor, Juhane Eskola made over 6 million Euros researching
vaccines he then advised the WHO to recommend for the recent swine flu “pandemic”.
Similarly, the CDC Childhood Vaccine Advisor, Dr. Paul Offit made so much money
with Merck making a rotavirus vaccine that he said “it was like winning the
lottery”. Now Professor Ulrich Keil Director of WHO Collaborative Center for
Epidemiology is admitting to PACE investigation that the vaccine advisors are
often employees of the pharmaceutical companies and the WHO is only a screen
for unearned commercial promotion of pharmaceutical products.
Indeed, even the US courts hearing the case of Lymerix vaccine damage and ordering
the recall of the adverse event associated vaccine stated that the federal employees
should never be allowed to consult in areas where they set federal policy. In
veterinary medicine, many researchers are indeed employees of the pharmaceutical
companies they become the mouthpiece for. Despite being on faculties of our
leading veterinary institutions, many have their research grants supplied to
them from the pharmaceutical industry.
Vaccine adverse events will remain anecdotal so long as government and industry
continue to protect vaccine use. When the only safety or effectiveness studies
come from conflict sources - those that stand to profit from the sale and use
of the vaccines - we need to understand that corporate integrity or lack thereof
is the only unit of measure.
This year another effort by Canine Health Concern in the UK is once again trying
to stop the unethical marketing of vaccine protocols that are not within the
standard of care for veterinary medicine and constitute fraud. This letter of
concern has been signed by many veterinary professionals in the hopes that unsafe
and dangerous vaccines are not promoted to the public from drug marketers.
The Leptospira vaccines are not safe. Pfizer gives ‘immunization support guarantees”
and this says, ‘buy ours, it is the best”. As they talk about “serovar shifts”
and discuss that “diagnostic assays are wrought with problems”; that they cannot
explain how high MAT titers are obtained against serovars not even in the vaccines,
that the vaccine itself can produce disease in the dog, you see quickly over
a dozen ways to beat the ‘immunization guarantee”.
Cornell helped Pfizer with the “educational” paper and now, we see Cornell has
a” better vaccine” as they have yet another idea how to make an effective Leptospira
vaccine. Cornell disses the aluminum adjuvant used for a century in veterinary
vaccines. The aluminum adjuvant; which has been in all the Leptospira vaccines
even now to this very day, despite being found to cause cancer. Cornell is now
reporting that the aluminum adjuvant used for five decades is now known to be
“unreliable”. They say it “destroys the antigens structure” and that it” degrades
amino acid sequence “. Did the aluminum do this to the genomes of the victims
receiving these adjuvants? Apparently so as the WHO in 1999 declared these adjuvants,
the same found in children’s vaccines, as “carcinogenic” in the IARC.61
Cornell wants to take a whack at putting yet another Leptospira vaccine out
there. Cornell’s Baker Institute of Animal Vaccines will make yet another type
of vaccine and this one will be better, this one is made with genetically engineered
bacteria genes from E. coli, this one will be safe, try this one.62 (January 25, 2010)
Understand that there is no backbone for support of vaccination. The most widely
used statement from disease illiterate professionals marketing the vaccines
is: “the long history of well established success that vaccines have been responsible
for the control of infectious disease” is as long as the history of vaccine
use and as much a figment of the promoter’s imagination as I have ever seen
consistently appear as defense for vaccinologists. There is no proof that vaccines
create immunity. Vaccines are linked to the generations of immune reaction diseases
that now plague highly vaccinated populations. As my colleague Dr. Stephen Blake
has said over and over,” never before in the history of man has there ever been
a greater medical assumption more responsible for the death and disease than
the use of vaccines as we know them today”.
Know the risks for natural infection, seek immediate treatment if your dog gets
sick, and realize the germ is not the problem; the individual’s immune system
is the determinant. Optimal nutrition is the key to immune health. Prior genetic
damage from vaccines should be considered. Become proactive in the search for
truth, never assume the medical professional performs due diligence. Poison
is poison no matter if injections contain toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, viruses
and microbial protein, antibiotics and fungi stats or genetically engineered
Related: Supporting Your Animal's Immune System Naturally
Having the “new thing” with genetically engineered products will not be proven
any safer than the earlier poisons. Know the promoters will not perform due
diligence in establishing safety, that our government to date accepts safety
studies from this conflict source and provides for no independent testing, that
the vaccine-promoting professionals, the doctors, will not be expected to perform
due diligence in the researching of these products and at this time still do
not recognize the vaccine induced disease and adverse events nor report them
to any independent monitoring system. Understand that they will unleash this
vaccine without really knowing if the vaccine is safe or effective, just as
they have for all the vaccines that have come before
Intervet Schering Plough is revving up for their annual vaccine propaganda marketing
in the UK again, promoting unsafe vaccines on the anecdotal evidence that there
is even a need for the vaccine in the first place. The only protection from
this marketing mania is to know the lack of science behind both the making and
administration of these vaccines. Understand that the client will not have recourse
against these marketing giants when their pets become ill. Understand that drug
companies are responsible and yet are unable to be held accountable. To the
vaccinologists out there, Dr. Ron Schultz says it is an indefensible practice.
Culpable responsibility does lie in the hands of the administrator of the jab.
Only the informed animal owner will understand this so pass the information
of animal and how to administer it
Dr. Jordan is the author of
Mark of the Beast: Hidden in Plain Sight - This book is essential reading for
pet owners, animal lovers and everyone seeking to know the truth about vaccine
issues. The book title, Mark of the Beast, sums up the author's views on the
medical practice of vaccination. Dr Patricia Jordan is a highly qualified veterinary
surgeon with more than 24 years experience. Her observations and conclusions
are based upon scientific evidence as opposed to the propaganda and junk science
disseminated by pharmaceutical companies in their ever increasing need to maximize
profits. Dr Jordan cites research studies showing that annual vaccinations are
totally unnecessary and especially in respect of rabies where over vaccination
is causing genetic changes and violent behavior in animals including horses.
This annual regime financially benefits veterinary business practices and pharmaceutical
companies at the expense of pet owners and their suffering, short lived companions.
Jordan, DVM Graduated from North Carolina State University in l982 Magna Cum
Laude B.S. Microbiology Completed Honors Program in Medical Microbiology. Graduated
from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington with a B.S. in Medical Technology
Dean's List Premed Graduated from the North Carolina College of Veterinary Medicine
with a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine Externship at the University of Berne,
Berne Switzerland Large Animal Medicine and Surgery Externship at the New Bolton Center University of Pennsylvania
equine Medicine and Surgery Research Scientist
for the NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental and health Sciences) under
Dr. John McGlaughlin in Toxicology Nominated for the 1986 Pubic Health Epidemiology
Award for the NC College of Veterinary Medicine
Certified in Veterinary Acupuncture,
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and Herbology, Tui Na and a student
of the Chi Institute in Reddick, Florida under Dr. Huisheng Xie and South China
University of Agriculture, currently finishing the Master's Program in Traditional
Chinese Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Patricia Jordan has been a member of the AVMA
(American Veterinary Medical Association) for the past 25 years and a practicing veterinarian
for the past 23 years. Establishing four different veterinary facilities, originating
six new veterinary facilities, certified by the North Carolina Veterinary Medical
Board. Dr. Jordan has been on the front line of examining the effects of the
veterinary vaccine protocols in the United States; she has been licensed in
over a dozen states and has visited practices in over 13 states to observe first
hand the effects of the current vaccine protocols.
"Adverse events diagnosed within three days of vaccine administration in
dogs 4,678 adverse events (38.2/10,000 dogs vaccinated) were associated with
administration of 3,439,576 doses of vaccine to 1,226,159 dogs. The VAAE rate
decreased significantly as body weight increased. Risk was 27% to 38% greater
for neutered versus sexually intact dogs and 35% to 64% greater for dogs approximately
1 to 3 years old versus 2 to 9 months old. The risk of a VAAE significantly
increased as the number of vaccine doses administered per office visit increased;
each additional vaccine significantly increased risk of an adverse event by
27% in dogs." Journal of the
American Veterinary Medical Association
Leptospira is a “killed” vaccine and is associated with clinically significant
adverse reactions. According to the 2003 AAHA Guidelines (Page 16), "...killed
vaccines are much more likely to cause hypersensitivity reactions (e.g., immune-mediated
disease)." Further, the AAHA task force reports on Page 18 that, "Bacterial
vaccines, especially killed whole organism products …..are much more likely
to cause adverse reactions than subunit or live bacterial vaccines or MLV vaccines,
especially if given topically. Several killed bacterial products are used as
immunomodulators/adjuvants. Thus, their presence in a combination vaccine product
may enhance or suppress the immune response or may cause an undesired response
(e.g., IgE hypersensitivity or a class of antibody that is not protective)."
How vaccines deregulate the immune system and impact genetic control over disease expression
Presented by Dr. Patricia Jordan at the 5th Annual Joint American Homeopathic Conference - Poster Session 2010
Classification of Immune Responses Body defense mechanisms Innate and adaptive
immunity.Cell mediated responses (Th1)
Lymphocytes, (CD1, CD 2, CD3, CD4, CD8) monocytes- macrophages and natural killer
(NK) cells (principal components) Cytokines
Humoral responses (Th2) involve soluble components including immunoglobulins
(antibodies) [Igs-IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE, IgD], class switching, antibody gamma
globulins and complement proteins

Immune System Components Genetic
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) system Chromosome, gene, haplotype, and
polymorphism and super gene family molecules.9 MHC genes and include [HLA-A,
MHC region divided into three regions Class I (HLA-A, B and C) Class II (HLA-DP,
DQ and DR) and Class III genes encode complement components (C2, C4 and Factor
B), cytokines (TNF-?) MHC genes display high levels of allelic diversity

Activation of Adaptive Immunity Innate immunity may trigger adaptive
responses thru Antigen processing and presentation by macrophages and dendritic
cells .The evolution of the immune system is a direct consequence of pathogen-exerted
selection pressure. It is particularly those qualities like progressive development
of humoral and cellular adoptive immunity, Major Histocompatibility Complex
(MHC), variable class I and class II genes, precise mechanisms of immune recognition
and long-term immune memory that reflect the fundamental evolutionary advancement
of the vertebrate immune system. In evolution the survival advantage imposed
by an extremely reactive immune system is jeopardized if that system turns against
the host and causes "self" destruction.
Vaccination is an abnormal pathogen
presented in an abnormal route (injection) and influences the entire immune
system in an unnatural way, leading to unnatural evolutionary selection where
the results are dys regulation of the immune system, disruption of TH1 bias,
atrophy of mucosal, increased inflammation, loss of specification and control.
Vaccination dysregulates the immune system and genetically impacts the HLA (MHC)
leading to an abnormal expression of disease susceptibility. The vaccine is
no more a reflection of the actual environmental challenges faced by those vaccinated
than the now dysregulated immune system is a reflection of intelligent design
or natural selection.
Vaccines are genotoxic; corrupted genomes are leading
to the loss of the organic self. Vaccines are responsible for autoimmune, cancer,
Type I-IV reactions,chronic allergies, asthma, asthma, eczema, atopy anaphylaxis, organ failure,
neurological, behavioral disease and death.[List is not complete] Vaccine disease
is the root of our dysregulated immune system and the dysregulated immune
Anything that alters
DNA coding is able to affect genetic expression of disease
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