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Saving My Dog Shasta's Life With Nutrition and Holistic Methods

In 1990, the veterinarian suggested to euthanize my 2 year old German Shepherd dog because "nothing could be done to stop her suffering and to cure her". Years later she remains the perfect picture of health and vitality. Learn how I used nutrition and holistic methods of healing to save her life.

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Dangers of Routine Vaccinations
The Truth about Aids

My Beautiful Dog Was Dying

By Shirley, author of this website

I restored my dog's health with natural home remedies When the conventional veterinarian suggested to euthanize my 2 year old German Shepherd dog because "nothing could be done to stop her suffering and to cure her" I turned to holistic treatments. Shasta fully recovered and lived 10 more years in excellent health.

When Shasta joined our family at age 2, she was in extremely poor health: severely emaciated and weak with chronic diarrhea; massive wax discharge from her ears which were continually irritated and inflamed and she also had an a ongoing eye and nasal discharge; skin disorder with carbuncles and hotspots.

The veterinarian thought she had been a neglected or abused dog but his was not so. The breeder had done her best to take "good care" of her champion dogs; she fed them the 'best commercial dog food' for working dogs, dewormed them with drugs on a regular basis and routinely vaccinated them since puppy hood against a number of common dog diseases.

A few weeks after I adopted her, Shasta developed masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) a painful paralysis of the muscle of her jaw bones which prevented her from opening her mouth, eating, barking, and yawning. The conventional veterinarian who examined her gave a bleak prognosis. He warned me that Shasta's immune system was failing, and that the myositis symptoms were going to gradually worsen and eventually become fatal. He said there was nothing veterinary medicine could do to help her and suggested that euthanize her (put her to sleep.)

I brought Shasta back home and began researching holistic treatments for her. I was familiar with holistic medicine because it had saved my life. I had been struggling with failing health for decades and almost died at the hands of doctors and their drugs. Homeopathic remedies and a transition to a healthy diet had restored my health and I knew that I could help restore Shasta's health as well by focusing on rehabilitating her weak and crippled immune system and she rapidly recovered the use of her jaws.

Dog tail demonstrate a typical adverse vaccine reactionShasta was also obsessively licking and biting her tail and paws which had become painful and swollen filled with clear fluid. The areas were very sore and very itchy. She would bite till the area became bloody.

I learned from holistic veterinarians that the symptoms were the direct result of adverse reaction to vaccines. Correctly prescribed homeopathic remedies can often undue the damage caused by vaccines. Homeopathy is noted for its success to antidote or remove the toxic effects of vaccines and to re-establish balance in the organism and restore health.

Certain homeopathic remedies taken after vaccination can minimize vaccine damage. A professional homeopathic vet should be consulted for more information. Holistic veterinarians also use a natural immune modulator before and after vaccination reduce the adverse reactions by protecting the integrity of the immune system.

When she turned 10 years old Shasta has experienced a series of illnesses: abscess, VKS syndrome/toxoplasmosis, and a stroke/paralysis. I treated her at home with homeopathic and herbal remedies and she fully recovered without drugs or surgery.


RAW food recipe: This is what I feed Shasta everyday: First of all, I feed her only a raw food diet. I choose to feed her organically grown fresh vegetables whenever possible. Over 400 pesticides are currently licensed for use on America's foods and over 2.5 billion pounds are dumped on crop lands, forests, lawns, and fields annually. There can be anywhere from four to 25 different pesticides used on conventionally grown produce with tolerances set for only individual pesticides, without consideration of the combined effect of multiple pesticides in the conventionally grown foods we consume.

1. In their natural, RAW form, I puree a variety of organically grown vegetables in the food processor:

(Definition of raw: uncooked, unheated, unprocessed, unadulterated. I have fed Shasta all sorts of raw vegetables: carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, avocados, lettuce, cabbage, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, chia seeds etc. I also feed her the veggie's fiber/pulp that I save when I make vegetable juice and wheatgrass juice for my family. Raw vegetables are a very important source of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber. Merchants at our local weekly farmer's market know that I feed Shasta fresh produce and they often give me slightly damaged or overripe avocados, lettuce and other veggies which they would normally discard.

Update May 2007 - I discovered a new way of feeding my dog veggies. Instead of storing my the pulp of my green juice in the refrigerator or freezer until I am ready to prepare a batch of raw dog food, I store the pulp in an airtight container at room temperature. A month or two later, the pulp is completely decomposed or pre-digested by naturally occurring friendly bacterias. This is "yogurt" for my dog, shock-full of nutrients and pro-biotics. It smells like poop, and the dog loves it!

Home base business opportunity Some people warn against feeding dogs broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower (cruciferous plants) because they claim that it can produce gas, which may at some point cause a portion of their belly to invert, requiring euthanasia or surgery. Other people say that broccoli and cauliflower should be lightly blanched (lightly steamed) in order to rid them of the harmful toxins. Shasta and Kuuma have never had gas from their food, let alone an inverted belly. I've also heard that an overuse of cruciferous plants can interfere with thyroid functioning in people and animals. I give Shasta small amount of cruciferous plants. They have never suffered any adverse effects from these vegetables. I feed her mostly grounded or pureed raw carrots and the pulp from my green juice

To flavor the veggies and make them palatable, I thoroughly mix in the following:
  • Plenty of raw eggs (I pulverize the eggs with their shells in the blender. The shells are an excellent source of calcium and other minerals.) I wouldn't think to feed Shasta corporate-industrial-farmed-produced eggs where a million beakless chicken are cramped into dark cages and soaked with antibiotics and hormones. I feed her only fresh eggs, produces by free-ranged, antibiotics and hormones free chickens. These eggs are available at health food stores and outdoors farmer's markets. (Some people only give eggs to their dogs once or twice a week. Wild animals do not eat eggs everyday. Maybe they eat eggs only during the egg-laying season. Perhaps it is not wise for me to give eggs to my dog everyday but whipped eggs are very convenient to flavor her veggies and her sea kelp and make these palatable.)
  • Raw meat: Any type of meat: ground beef or pork, beef stew meat, organ meat like heart, beef tripes, etc. I do NOT feed her lean meats. Fat plays an important role in the digestion process and in maintaining an animal's health - as long as it is RAW fat. Raw beef liver is good, but Dr. Chambreau recommends that liver must be organic or do not feed it (or eat it yourself) because it is the detoxifier of the body, therefore loaded with toxins. I tried to give her other organ meats such as kidney and spleen but she didn't like it. It is important not give your pet only muscle meat. Organ meats are important. I use ground beef ONLY to flavor her vegetables. Dr. Chambreau writes that "ground meat is passable for most animals, occasionally, but Juliette de Bairacli Levy said that "minced meat is lethal to animals" and we find in practice that some animals just do not seem to be healthy until on chunks of raw meat."
  • Raw fish. I used to give Shasta a whole raw fish (with bones). She loved it and ate the head, tail, bones and all. She liked especially the mackerel. Unfortunately, I've had to stop giving her fish due to mercury contamination. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued advise on the hazard posed by mercury in fish bought from stores and restaurants, which includes ocean and coastal fish as well as other types of commercial fish. My entire family has stopped eating fish.
  • Occasionally I mix grounded raw nuts, raw cottage cheese or raw yogurt to flavor her vegetables.
  • Bison paunch manure - Frozen paunch manure from 100% grass-fed bison is available from Lindner Bison company (No drugs, hormones, chemicals of any kind are used on the bison or on the grounds that grow the grass and hay that they eat.)
  • I do NOT feed cooked grains to Shasta. Why grains may be harmful to carnivores.
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Omega3 fats, Minerals and Vitamins

Our soil, plants, and especially commercial foods are woefully deficient in key nutrients the following supplements to Shasta's diet to maintain her optimum health. Some of the ingredients are recommended in Juliette de Bairacli Levy's book The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat

To her meals, I add:

  • About 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of dry kelp meal (marine plants) mixed in her meal. Marine phytoplankton also provide important trace minerals and vital nutrients.
  • Caldera Greens Living Mineral-Rich Whole Food - An organic 100% pure juice powder concentrate from fresh young, certified organic barley, alfalfa, wheat, and oat grass grown on volcanic soil. This fresh juiced grass formulation provides one of the most balanced nutrient profiles of all greens products available on the market. (Make sure to select the Plain/Natural Flavored Caldera Greens Powder)
  • About 1/2 cup of soaked chia seeds, a rich source of essential omega-3 oil, antioxidants and natural vitamins.
  • About a teaspoon of ancient mineral magnesium oil to my dog's food or drinking water. (a quart bowl)
  • About 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of dry clay powder mixed in her meal. (I never use fluoridated, chlorinated toxic tap water).
  • About a tablespoon of flax oil, a rich source of omega 3 oils. (The manufacturer of flaxseed oil, Barleans, recommends one to two tablespoons of flax oil per 100 lb of body weight. Flax oil is a wonderful safe vital nutrient, but the seeds contains anti-nutritional factors. I also add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil (extra virgin, cold pressed), and a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil and/or grapeseed oil. (Veterinarians recommend that dogs raised on commercial diet get some raw food or enzymes.
  • Bee pollen granules, rich in naturally occurring vitamins and minerals to her food. These contain natural source of B complex, vitamins and minerals. It is very good for any animals, but especially for the sick, young or old pets.
  • Marine phytoplankton has been called "the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet". Containing a wide range of trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, enzymes and cellular materials, marine phytoplankton promotes and maintains optimum health by boosting and supporting all systems within the body. Its antioxidants and unique polysaccharides can halt the genetic mutations that can lead to cancer. Both high levels of saccharides and adaptogens increase energy and stamina by improving our ability to consume and use oxygen. Adaptogens also improve cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and circulation.)

Occasionally I may also add a couple of tablespoons of raw carob powder and unsulfured blackstrap molasse. (rich source of vitamins and minerals).

Shasta weights approximately between 70 and 80 pounds. Until she was 8 years old I used to feed her everyday about 1 to 2 pounds of the above food mixture. In addition she also gets about 1/2 to 1 pound of meaty beef or pork bones which she devours completely in a few minutes. Shasta's stools are always firm, shapely and the odor is never offensive. When she was eating kibble or canned food her stools were soft, runny or watery and extremely malodorous.

Shasta's face Chia seeds have done wonders for my dog's health (and for my own health too!). I mix a good amount of chia seeds with raw eggs or raw meat and keep it refrigerated for 48 hours before feeding it to my dog to increase its nutritional content. When Chia seeds, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are included in your dog's diet, your can expect to see your dog's overall health to improve with the energy of a puppy and its coat to become shiny and healthy. Soaking raw chia seeds in water, broth, or juice for 24 to 48 hours greatly increase its nutritional content.

Omega-3 oils are essential nutrients, deficient in most dogs' diets. Omega-3 fatty acids are fundamental molecules in the structure and activity of the membranes of all cells throughout your dog's body. They also have highly- specialized functions in neurological tissues, especially the brain and retina and play an important role in cell membranes and the formation of new tissue, therefore important for development and growth.

You will love the ease of using Chia seeds and dogs love the nutty taste! I also enjoy eating chia seeds soaked in natural raw fruit juice or mixed with a fruit salad.

In addition to flax seed oil, I also give my animals fish oil formulated for pets with the ideal concentration of health-promoting EPA & DHA

Raw Bones Everyday For My Dog

Only cookOnly cooked bones are dangerous. Raw bones are safe to eat and are an important source of calcium and other minerals. In the wild animal do not debone their prey (birds, rats, squirrels, etc) before eating them, or do they?

I give Shasta 1/2 to 1 pound of RAW beef or pork bones everyday, which she devours completely. I do NOT give her the hard marrow bones which can't be cracked or eaten. She gets the ribs, and other small and soft meaty bones which she can completely swallow after a good 10 minute chewing work-out.

Need help? For Shasta, raw pig feet are even better than soup bones because they have tough, thick skins and tendons, which makes wonderful chewies. It takes Shasta about 45 minutes to completely eat a whole small pig foot and she absolutely adores them (pig feet cut in half lengthwise may be easier to eat for some dogs).

Meaty bones strengthen her jaw bones, massage her gums while stimulating her salivary and digestive glands, help reduce plaques and calculus accumulation on the tooth surfaces, clean teeth and reduce occurrence of gingivitis (dental hygiene) and provides her with a good source of calcium and other important minerals. (Some people are reluctant to give raw pork to their animals because of fear of certain worms. Shasta has been eating raw pork for years without problems. Perhaps it is advisable to check with a holistic vet before giving raw pork to your animal. I would appreciate if you could keep me informed of information that you would learn about this matter.

She also eats raw chicken legs, thigh, necks and backs which are inexpensive. And yes, she eats the chicken bones too. (I once saw an animal documentary demonstrating little foxes hunting doves. They would swallow their catches whole, feather, beak, claws, bones, and all!)

Shasta has been on this diet ever since for the past 8 years. At 10 years of age, she is in vibrant health with the energy level of a dog 1/2 her age. She NEVER has to see a vet because she is never sick. She eats the same food with no variation. She loves her food. (Some dogs love raw fruits too, but I do not like to mix fruits with the veggies.) To protect the carpet or the floor I lay her food or bones on a 4'x 6' tarp paper (or heavy plastic sheet). She eats her meals at once, licking the sheet completely clean.

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Once a day Feeding

Some German Shepherd breeders and trainers prefer to feed their dog twice a day to avoid stressing their digestive system. I have been feeding Shasta only once a day to give her digestive track a chance to rest which keeps her healthier and never overweight. No two dogs are alike or have the same feeding requirement. It is entirely to the dog's owner to decide what is best for their dog.

Healthy Pet Kibble Diet for dogs and cats I have been feeding Shasta strictly raw food once a day to give her digestive track a chance to rest which kept her healthy and never overweight. No two dogs are alike or have the same feeding requirement. It is entirely to the dog's owner to decide what is best for their dog. Some people claim that is is best to fee raw food, first and wait 6 hours before feeding kibbles to prevent fermentation in the stomach which may cause some dogs to have gas.

They claim that it takes 18 hours for a dog to digest kibbles and only 6 hours to digest raw food. My friend, Pat Hartman, who is a German Shepherd expert recommends to never feed dry kibbles to German Shepherd dogs but to soak the kibbles first. Personally, I have not found this to be true. My new dog, Kuuma, eats dry kibbles (healthy kibbles) and raw meat at the same time without any bad effects.

Raw food does not cause pets to become overweight, especially if you feed them just once every 24 hours. Grains and starchy food are responsible for causing animals to become overweight because they are NOT part of the natural diet carnivores and they are indigestible to them. In nature, carnivore rarely eat 2 or 3 meals a day. They don't manage to catch their prey at every hunt and may end up fasting for a day or two until the next successful hunt. When they catch a large pray they pig out, devouring a lot of meat and then rest for a day or two.

My German Shepard Fasts Regularly

As Shasta became older, I began to fast her on water once a week or once every other week to help maintain her health. By age 6 or 7, as her metabolism slowed down, I began fasting her every other day but I have increased the size of her portions of food. By age 8, she would eat only once every other day. She seems to appreciate fasting and never ask or look for food during fasting days. If I had a sick animal, the first thing I do is stop feeding it for a few days. That is the first step toward helping the healing process.

William Winter DVM on fasting: "To this day I do not believe that I have ever discovered a healing technique quite as powerful. I have recommended fasting for 10,000 to 20,000 animals and have seen true miracles over these years of practice.

Quality Water For Animal's Optimum Health

Shasta does not drink tap water. I give her only water which is free from toxic chlorine and fluoride. Our pets cannot achieve the maximum benefit from any health program without drinking the right kind of water, free from toxic chemicals

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Introduce raw food gradually

People tell me "I can't give my dog raw food, it gives him diarrhea" That is because they didn't start to introduce raw food gradually. Improving your animal's diet with raw food may trigger a detoxification process with symptoms such as diarrhea that may last for a few days or even a few weeks. That is why its important to start introducing raw food gradually as to not shock their system, therefore avoiding the diarrhea. Keep feeding your animal commercial processed food as you have been doing and gradually decrease the Need help?amount, while increasing the raw food. As I mentioned earlier, when Shasta came to our home at age two, she had a chronic extremely malodorous diarrhea brought on by the toxins from the commercial food she had been raised on and which she was unable to digest. Within weeks of being on raw food the diarrhea stopped. Since she's been on the raw food diet her her stools have remained firm and practically odorless. Note: To ease the diarrhea, I mix a little therapeutic clay into her food.

Worried about Salmonella in a raw food diet?

Some folks also worry about salmonella in raw meat. Jesse Dallas, from the Vigilante Guardian writes that dogs and cats don't get salmonella poisoning because their digestive system is so acidic (or at least it should be) that it kills everything. This is why a dog can bury a bone and dig it up two weeks later and eat the rotting meat. Shasta has never been sick from eating raw meat.

Fulvic Acids

I add Humic minerals to Shasta's raw food diet. Fulvic neutralizes toxins and can eliminate food poisoning within minutes. When it encounters free radicals with unpaired positive or negative electrons, it supplies an equal and opposite charge to neutralize the free radical. fulvic acid acts as a refiner and transporter of organic materials and cell nutrients. According to A. Szalay, fulvic acid has the ability to dramatically detoxify herbicides, pesticides, and other poisons that it interacts with – this includes many radioactive elements. This detoxification process may extend to animals and humans.

First introduced raw meats to Shasta

Shasta fully recovered her health with natural remedies and a healthy raw dietWhen I first introduced raw meats to Shasta, I didn't know what she liked or disliked. I'd present her with small pieces of raw beef or chicken liver, beef tripes, kidney, smelts, chicken, pork, etc. She loved the liver and the beef and chicken but wanted nothing to do with the kidneys or the smelts.

I like to prepare her food in large batches of about 30 to 50 pounds or more which keeps well in the freezer for 4 to 6 weeks. (I would much prefer NOT to freeze her food, because freezing can destroys up to 72% of nutrients. Unfortunately, I don't have the time or inclination to prepare her food every other day)

I use about 15 to 20 pounds of veggies, 3 to 5 pounds of soaked chia seeds, 2 to 3 dozens of raw eggs, several cups of dry kelp powder, Calcium Montmorillonite clay (to promote healing and to detoxify), liquid Fulvic minerals consist of an immense arsenal and array of naturally occurring powerful phytochemicals, biochemicals, supercharged antioxidants, free-radical scavengers, super oxide dismutases, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, amino acids, antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals), a few tablespoons of bee pollen (rich in naturally occurring vitamins) and about 10 to 20 pounds of a combination of raw ground beef (which mixes well into the veggies), beef liver (remember that Dr. Chambreau recommends organ meat like tripe, and/or chicken pieces or other meats. I also add about a cup flax oil, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil (extra virgin, cold pressed), and a cup or two of coconut oil and/or grapeseed oil. With my new dog, Kuuma, I also add marine phytoplankton.

TIP: Never thaw your pet's food in the microwave oven. It causes molecular damage to foods which in turn causes abnormal changes in the blood and immune systems. Remember, the dog in the wild eats everything when it kills its prey, including the intestinal contents which is rich with partially digested grass, leaves, seeds, nuts etc. In a rabbit the intestinal contents amount to about 40 percent of the body weight. The dog in the wild also eats the bones, a source of calcium for its body.

Note: unfortunately, I can’t give my dog freshly killed wholesome wild game which would be free from synthetic growth hormones, antibiotics and pesticide residue which contaminates our supermarket meat.

I trained Shasta for personal protection

I have trained her for personal protection. She is now over 11 years old and she is a perfect picture of health most of the time, with a gorgeous lustrous coat and terrific vitality. Daily exercise is an important part of her health maintenance. She takes long walks (1 to 2 hours) with me and my son everyday in the beautiful Hollywood Hills or in the park where she gets to play with other dogs. When she occasionally gets sick or injured, I take her to the vet only to get a diagnosis of her condition but never give her drugs of any kind. I treat her with homeopathy and herbs at home. I would never consider leaving my injured or sick animal at the vet clinic because the poor animal would feels "abandoned" just at the time when it needs to feel secure at home among its love ones. The stress of feeling "abandoned" would be an impediment to healing I have no doubt.

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Meet my new boy Kuuma

In 2002 I adopted a splendid 18 month old GSD from the German Shepherd rescue of Los Angeles. I named him Kuuma, an African male name that means "love". This magnificent healthy boy is very cuddly and affectionate, fearless, sensitive and smart as can be. He actually looks like he could be Shasta's pup. (the lady with Kuuma in the last picture in not me)

The only health problem Kuuma had was a hotspot on his left thigh, right were he was vaccinated. Clearly this is a reaction to the toxins injected under his skin in that area. As soon as he came home I gave him a dose of homeopathic remedy LYSSIN 200c to antidote the bad effects of rabies vaccine. (available from Dr. Loops' office) and I immediately began to transition him to raw food diet. I also rubbed a mixture of golden seal extract with flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil on his hot spot several times a day to promote healing.

Within 2 weeks that hot spot was healed. On June 8 I gave him a single doze of the homeopathic remedy THUJA 200c to antidote the bad effects of the other vaccines. A new hotspot/eczema spot had developed in his right thigh and just above his tail. It was a strong healing-crisis on the skin level with inflammation, heat, redness, oozing, bleeding and eventually scaling. Vaccine toxins were coming out of his body through his skin and I didn't use suppressive medicine to suppress that discharge. I robbed a litte of the oil/goldenseal mixture on the area to soothe the inflammation. Within 2 - 3 weeks that hotspot was healed and hair growing back in that area. Thuja, Lyssin and other homeopathic remedies are available on the internet)

Nuvet and NuJoint Plus, Anti-inflammatory Hip and Joint nutritional TherapyThe very first day I introduced a little bit of raw meat to Kuuma (a little chicken leg and a small beef soup bone) which he ate in a heartbeat. A few hours later I gave him a regular portion of kibble food. I do not mix kibble with raw because it only take 6 hours to digest raw meat and it takes 18 hours to digest kibbles. The two don't mix and will cause fermentation.

Each day I increased his portion of raw meat gradually to make sure that it didn't give him diarrhea. Dr. William Pollack, DVM, says diarrhea can be a normal part of transitioning to a healthier diet. Upon switching to a more nutritious diet, physical and behavioral improvements can be dramatic or gradual depending on the state of the animal’s health. With slow transitioning on to the new diet, the pet’s digestive system can acclimate to the higher flow of nourishment. The body will sometimes expel these accumulated poisons during periods of diarrhea, hair loss, scaling of skin. These periods are known as Healing Episodes or a Healing Crisis. Though these situations are not necessary , they are not uncommon. The body will cleanse itself of these toxic agents before it can assimilate more healthful nutrients to regain a higher state of balanced health.

Within a week, Kuuma was eating 50% raw. Unlike Shasta who ate her veggies with gusto, Kuuma is a very finicky eater and I've been having a very hard time getting him to eat my concoction of raw vegetables mixed with kelp seaweed, Chia seeds, linseed oil, eggs, and fulvic minerals. He only cares for his raw chicken, raw pig feet, raw soup bones, etc.

The solution was to fast him for 48 hours on water only to work out an appetite. I freeze his veggies (mixed with raw eggs, chia seeds, flaxseed oil and ground raw meat). He's now eating these frozen raw veggie "burritos" as if they were bones. I don't like feeding frozen food to my dog...it is not natural, but many dogs loves eating frozen food as it gives him a good chewing workout.

He weights about 90 lbs and a dog of his size would normally needs about 2 lbs of meat a day. But Kuuma does not tolerate more than 4 to 5 ounce of raw meat a day. It gives him the run. I had no choice at this point but to supplement his raw meat and raw bone diet with healthy kibble pet food. I give him everyday 1/2 to 1 cup of soaked. Chia seeds, I soak the chia overnight in beaten raw eggs, raw kefir, and raw meat juice if available.

If Chia seeds are not available I use grounded flaxmeal or a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. He gets a rotation of raw chicken leg quarter, chicken gizzards and turkey tails one day and beef heart/tripes and pork neckbones the next day.

He also enjoys eating nori sheets (the seaweed sushi wrap) with a little fish oil formulated for pets or kefir or butter spread on it. I feed him once every 24 hours. His stools are perfect now and non-smelling and he is doing absolutely wonderful. Some people like to also supplement their animal's raw diet with a nutritional immune booster.

I have begun the obedience training and Kuuma is a wonder to work with. I find Leerburg's videos invaluable tools in learning the art of obedience training. I also want to thank my friend, Pat Hartman, a professional trainer in Pensylvania, for the time she spent on the phone with me to help me and guide me in the training process.

Kuuma's bite wound Kuuma sustained a severe bite wound to his leg. I never took him to the vet. He healed in two weeks with natural remedies.

March 2011 - Kuuma is about 9 years old now and in perfect health. But a few months ago, when my husband passed away, Kuuma began to experience urinary problem and would need to go out more often to urinate much larger amount than usual. I believe that Kuuma experienced stress and grief at the passing of my husband which in turn caused his kidneys to weaken. I gave him powerful natural immune booster and other remedies to help support his immune system and within a month his urination was back to normal.