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Experiencing Sole with Himalayan Crystal Salt!

When water and salt combined, they form a new dimension, Sole (So-lay). Sole is Alive! It's the fundamental mineral infusion for your body. You can replace electrolytes and balance your energy simply and naturally by drinking a Sole solution each day. The sole is an excellent product for balancing the pH factor of your body.With the sole, one can also get rid of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, amalgam and calcium because the crystal salt is able to break up their molecular structures.

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Health Benefits of Salt Sole Water

When water and salt connect, the negative poles of the water molecules surround the positive ions in the salt and the negative ions in the salt are surrounded by the positive polarized particles of the water molecules. This changes the geometric structure of the water and the salt, and creates something entirely new, a third dimension. The water no longer is water and the salt no longer salt. The elements have liberated themselves from their restrictions, given up their polarities by the resonant effects, and reached a higher form of energy. Only through this process of attaining higher levels of consciousness, can we relinquish our polarities and return into the oneness of all elements. This is exactly what transpires when water and salt meet. The willingness of the water to give up its own identity, in return, liberates the salt from its manifested identity, to overcome the powers of the grid work and to separate sodium from chloride. Both elements are ionized, which releases their stored energy and information.

The Concentration of Sole

Salt Sole in a water glass When the percentage of concentration of the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole are talked about in the book Water and Salt-The Essence of Life, they mean the ratio of water to salt. Sole equals a fully saturated solution of water and Himalayan Crystal Salt. The water becomes saturated with salt when the water can no longer dissolve more salt. At this point, the salt crystals remain undissolved on the bottom of the jar, indicating that the solution has reached it's saturation limit. The water is now fully saturated with salt. This is what we call Sole.

Sole Solution is referred to as a diluted quantity of the concentrated Sole in water. When we take the fully saturated Sole and add water to it, we create a Sole solution. Many of the therapeutic applications for the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt require a Sole solution.

For Example:
A 1% Sole solution is 1 part Sole and 99 parts water.
A 5% Sole solution is 5 parts Sole and 95 parts water.
A n 8% Sole solution is 8 parts Sole and 92 parts water, and so on.

Benefits of Drinking Sole
  • The sole supplies the body with the natural energy stored in the crystals and the body can hold this up to 24 hours.
  • Can harmonize the alkaline/acidity balance in the body and normalize blood pressure.
  • Can dissolve and eliminate sediments which lead to stones and various forms of rheumatism like arthritis and kidney and gall bladder stones.
  • Can lower the craving for addictive desires.
Perfectly formed Crystals of Mineral Rich Salt

Himalayan Crystal Salt is one of the most profound re-discoveries of our time. For centuries, the energy/information content, in the form of vital mineral elements locked away within these perfectly formed crystals of mineral rich salt, were utilized by doctors for treating most every disorder known to humans, and with unfailing success.

Salt Sole
Making Sole (So-lay) - step by step instructions
  • Everyone knows that salt dissolves in water, right? But did you know that if you keep adding salt to a glass of water you'll get to a point where the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt? Did you also know that when the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt that the salt will just sit on the bottom of the glass without dissolving? This is exactly what Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole is, super- saturated, salty water. Here's how to make it.
  • Place 1 inch of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt stones in a glass jar, preferably one with a lid. Add 2 to 3 inches of good quality artesian, spring, or filtered ionized water above the stones, completely covering the crystals with water. Let sit overnight.
  • If all the salt crystals have dissolved, add a few more salt crystals to the water. Your Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole is ready when the water becomes fully saturated with salt and cannot hold any more. The salt will no longer dissolve at this stage. There should always be salt crystals in the jar. As you use up the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole, after some time, add more water and more salt until the water is again saturated. Remember, there should always be undissolved salt crystals on the bottom of the jar. This is your visual proof that the water is totally saturated with salt.
  • Each morning, before eating or drinking anything, add one teaspoon of the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole to a glass of artesian or spring water, and drink. Your body will receive the energetic vibration pattern of the Himalayan Crystal Salt and hold it for 24 hours.
    Keep the container covered to prevent the water from evaporating. Otherwise, no special storage is needed. The fully saturated Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole will keep forever ! Salt is a natural anti-bacterial and natural fungicide. It simply cannot spoil or go bad.

Natural Himalayan Crystal Salt contains all the elements of which the human body is comprised. From the periodic table of elements we are familiar with 94 natural elements (stable as well as unstable). Apart from inert gases, all of these elements can be found in crystal salt. Hence, crystal salt contains all natural minerals and trace elements that are found in the human body. We perceive crystal salt as being the totality of all natural elements. This may not be entirely correct according to chemistry, however we will continue to use the term crystal salt in this context. The number of the respective elements contained in the crystal salt is biophysically irrelevant to this study.

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Golden Sole is a Proprietary Blend

Article by Ed Leach

Ed Leach Golden Sole is a proprietary blend of ORMUS monatomic gold and other monatomic elements in a base of ultra-purified, bio-photon water with Original Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole. This formula is created by a prominent physicist and MD in the U.S. who uses Crystal Salt to produce all of his unique mineral formulations for his patients.

Monatomic Minerals were actually being studied in the Soviet Union as early as 1973. In fact, the then Soviet Union was far ahead of the rest of the world in researching water and salt and had already revealed that monatomic minerals were found in sea water and other sources of mined salt. It was only a couple of decades ago that an American farmer, David Hudson, accidentally stumbled upon monatomic gold and other monatomic elements after dousing his fields with sulphuric acid to loosen the mineral salts in his soil. The resulting "white powder" that remained, is reported to exhibited very strange properties, among them, invisibility, negative gravity, and super conductivity. These properties in themselves are remarkable and almost beyond belief.

What Are Monatomic Elements?

Conventional View: David Hudson coined the term ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements) to describe the strange white powder, incapable of being perceived by the mind or senses, that comes from gold, platinum group metals, and other "transitional" metals. These "transitional" minerals have not yet "transitioned" into the usual atomic structure characteristic of metallic minerals. The electrons in monatomic minerals exist in what is called a "high spin state". Science refers to these minerals as "exotic" matter, not yet known and not shown on the Periodic Table of Elements. However, new physics indicate that the white powder may not be monatomic, but diatomic, or small cluster "condensates". With this, we generally refer to these elements as ORMUS or "M-State" elements.

Analysis of m-state elements has disclosed that their physical weight can be decreased to a negative value at specific high temperatures. Incredible as it seems, these elements actually levitate! What's more, they can also be coaxed into becoming super-conductive, and even to resonate in other, parallel dimensions.

There is a growing belief among researchers, that the rediscovery of monatomic elements form a link in what appears to be an unbroken chain that spans across centuries of Earth's history back to antiquity. All of recorded history up to present day, revolves around the creation, possession, and employment of monatomic gold. Alchemy, it appears, is not about creating gold from base metals, but turning gold into monatomic, white powder.

ark of the covenant Recorded in ancient documents, manuscripts, and text we find reference to the "philosopher's stone," "white gold," "manna," and the "golden fleece," In biblical terms, we're familiar with the "Ark of the Covenant," the golden chest that Moses took on his journey to Jerusalem to be housed in a temple there. In ancient Mesopotamia, they called this power "shemanna," or high fire stone, the ancient Egyptians called it "mfkzt," where it was formed into conical shaped cakes and fed to the pharaohs and temple priests as a food to activate their "Ka" or light body. This was believed to raise the awareness and abilities for leadership, tune the intuition and perceptions, and heighten the overall consciousness. It was also considered to be the key ingredient of longevity and vitality. In Alexandria it was revered as the "paradise stone."

Lost Secrets of the Ark For the most incredible and fascinating insight on monatomics, we recommend that you read the noted Scottish historian, Laurence Gardner's book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark. He has concluded that Mfkzt (monatomic gold) was the mystical key to the pharaohs' rite of passage to the Afterlife, and was directly connected with the energy flowing from the pyramids and the biblical Ark of the Covenant. When they opened the tombs at Giza, they found no human bodies, but they did find tons of a mysterious white powder, mfkzt, known now as monatomic gold.

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The Profound Energy - Life Force - Consciousness of Everything

Knowing that all matter in the universe is frozen energy (proven by the Nobel Prize winning Swiss scientist, Carlos Rubbia) and that all things that come into form possess one of only 5 possible geometric shapes, called Platonic Bodies, we can see that it is the geometric shape of an object that determines its inherent energy pattern or pattern of information. The five platonic bodies depicted below are the Polyhedron, the Cube, the Dodecahedron, the Tetrahedron, and the Octahedron.

Geometric Shapes of Sole

There are no other forms in all the Universe. Whenever energy, consciousness, life force, information materializes, it must materialize into one of these five geometric forms. And the geometric form determines the energy-information-consciousness-life force content. Water possesses the geometric form of a tetrahedron, like that of the Pyramid. Therefore it is crystalline in structure. Salt takes on the form of a Cube, also crystalline in structure. Actually, the cube of salt is composed of light quanta, called photons, which are pure light energy. Because both are crystals, both have the ability to store and transmit information,energy,consciousness,and life force. Trapped within the crystalline structure of the crystal salt, within its Platonic body, is the energy of the sun which evaporated the primal ocean some 250 million years ago. The energy is stored in the grid structure of the salt.

Osmosis - The Principal of Metabolism

Osmosis, the transfer of liquids from one cell to another, is managed by the salt concentration in the cells. The liquid in a cell always moves from a cell with a lower salt concentration (energy potential) to a cell with a higher salt concentration (energy potential). The body always strives to balance the amount of salt (energy) concentration so that the energy is transmitted equally throughout the body.

Metaphysical Properties

Salt Sole Rocks The energy vibration of the translucent crystals of salt amplify the ethereal fluid in the etheric body and the crystalline properties in the physical body. Crystalline properties in the physical body are found in cell salts throughout the lymphatic systems, thymus gland, pineal gland, red and white corpuscles, and regenerative properties within the muscular tissue. Amplification of the body's crystalline properties increases clairvoyance, telepathy, and receptivity to healing. Our human energy field operates on similar principle of electromagnetism, therefore, the translucent salt crystal becomes an extension of our own vibrations. The energy will intermingle with our own, and when properly programmed through meditation, can liberate the mind into discovering potentially unlimited awareness. In order to gain more conscious knowledge about our emotional, intellectual and physical states, we share our energy with the crystal salt. The combination of our relatively inconsistent vibrations together with the balancing ones of the crystal, can bridge the gap between our physical, mental spiritual selves. The astrological sign of the crystal salt is Pisces, and the vibration number is one.
Rediscover your inner self.

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Luxuriate in a Crystal Salt Sole Bath

Moon Bathing with Sole Studies have shown that you can achieve the best results taking a sole bath during the change of the moon cycle. The minerals and energies stored in the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole bath can optimally be absorbed during a full moon. The body's healing potential is at its peak and bio-energetic weak points are harmonized and the body's own energy flow activated. During a new moon, the cleansing effects are optimized because the body's capacity for detoxifying is at its peak. The sole bath will have a detoxifying effect similar to a three-day fast.

Moon Rhythm Sole Bath

Moon Rhythm Bathing Observations with the moon rhythm have shown that the best results can be achieved when taking a Sole bath at the time of moon change.

>Full Moon Bath - On the day of the full moon the healing process of the body is at it's peak as is its absorption potential. At full moon, the body will absorb the most minerals from the sole bath. The mineral materials penetrate and are absorbed into the skin in the form of ions. Bioenergetic weak points are harmonized and the body's own energy flow is activated

New Moon Bath - At new moon, the body's capacity for detoxification is at its highest. This is a perfect time for a cleansing salt bath. The Sole bath has a deslagging effect, similar to a four-day chamfering cure. Weight adjustment and decontamination of the body are supported.

Application: For both moon rhythm baths, add 1 kg crystal salts in a bathtub with enough water to dissolve the crystals, approx. 1 hour. After the salt crystals are dissolved, fill the tub with warm bath water (approx. body temperature). Don't use any chemical substance in this special bath. Bathe 15 to 20 minutes in the Sole. You can experience this Sole bath to be exactly as floating in the original embryonic solution. After the bath do not towel or rub dry but let the skin air dry naturally.

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The Ocean Beckons our Inner Instincts

Woman taking sole bath Benefits: A sole bath is a sheer ocean of energy. Bio-energetic deficits are rebalanced and weak links become strengthened, reactivating our body's electric current. The organs' functions start to resonate with the natural frequency patterns of the sole. This activates the natural regulatory mechanism of the body and its self-healing powers. A 30 minute sole bath has the cleansing effect of a three-day fast.

In contrast to a normal bath, in which moisture is extracted from the skin, a sole bath allows salt to be stored in the upper callous layer of the skin and binds water. This maintains the natural, protective film of the skin and the skin does not dry out. This is the reason why sole baths are good for dry skin as well.

The cleansing effects of a 30-minute sole bath equal that of a three-day fast. The toxins are released into the bath water through osmosis, while the minerals from the sole are absorbed through the skin. This reduces the acidity in our body and balances the pH factor of our skin. Imagine yourself being the first human being to take a dip in the pristine, primal ocean of 250 million years ago. Now you can! With a Sole bath you can recapture that experience at any time. In contrast to a normal bath in which moisture is extracted from the skin, the sole or salt bath allows salt to be stored in the upper callous layer of the skin and binds water. This maintains the natural, protective film of the skin and the skin does not dry out. This is the reason why salt baths are good for dry skin as well.