Dr. Charles Loops D.V.M - "After 10 years of traditional veterinary
practice I became tired of having no treatment for chronic disease,
incurable conditions, and a plethora of allergic maladies which seem
to plague all veterinary practices.
I was frustrated with giving animals cortisone because I had no
other solutions, or using antibiotics
for infections which I knew were of viral origin. At this time I had
some chronic health problems, which had been unresolvable allopathically, but they responded to
natural treatment."
Animal Wellness Overview
Holistic Pediatrics Education for Parents
Peter R. Breggin, M.D "The drugging of children
has gotten so out of hand that America is waking up to this. This is a national catastrophe."
Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, M.D - "The medical establishment works closely with the drug multinationals
whose main objective is profits, and whose worst nightmare would be an
epidemic of good health. Lots of drugs MUST be sold. In order to achieve
this, anything goes: lies, fraud, and kickbacks. Doctors are the principal
salespeople of the drug companies.

"I was once a victim of the never-ending flow of propaganda from the medical
establishment - which I think of as the "disease" establishment because
they focus on disease rather than on prevention and wellness. The
orthodox medical establishment wants
to maintain a monopoly on the word "cure"; they want us to believe that
we have no control over our own health and that our only hope to get "well"
is with drugs, surgery and radiation. In the story of my
Journey Into Health I explain how I achieved radiant health without
drugs, surgery or radiation." Shirley
"You cannot poison your body into health with drugs, chemo or radiation.
"Health" can only be achieved with healthful living." T.C. Fry
According to the World Health Organization: "Health is more than the absence of disease.
Health is a state of optimal well-being." Optimal well-being is a concept
of health that goes beyond the curing of illness to one of achieving wellness.
Many of us have been brought up to believe that our health depends solely
on the quality of the health care we receive. The truth is, your health is
your responsibility. You are the only person who can make the lifestyle
decisions that contribute to your well-being. You are the one who must take
the steps to preserve your health and promote your wellness. Only you have
the power to create wellness for yourself.
Elimination of the symptom is NOT the same as elimination of the disease. The fastest way to restore
wellness is to stop putting into the body the things that have caused the physical problem to develop in the first place,
and then give the body the nutrients it needs to repair and rebuild itself.
The holistic approach treats the whole person, ignites the body's internal healing force and
stimulates the body's natural abilities to heal itself.
Ignite Your Body's Internal Healing Force
Most modern maladies are caused by prolonged exposure to a combination of
negative lifestyles and toxic environmental factors, including junk food
and malnutrition, pesticides, antibiotics, microwaves, chemical pollution
of food, water and air, lack of exercise and chronic stress. These factors
are further aggravated by the failure of modern medicine to recognize them
as agents of dis-"ease" and death and the consequent failure to take preventative
measures against them. The same chemical companies that produce toxic chemicals
also produce prescription drugs, veterinary medicines, a wide array of medical
products. Families with toxin induced illnesses often spend large sums for
drugs and medical treatment. This circle of profit is not conspiracy theory,
but an easily provable fact. What you don't know can hurt you."
Consumer Alert! Raising Public Awareness of Modern Day Hazards